Alrighty so brace yourself for a long one lmao

So I met this girl at my college last month (I’m a freshman) and we hit it off quick

We’ve talked and hung out a ton since, whether it’s with some other friends or just me and her lol

Thing is, I sorta got attached quick and all that, but the thing that’s separated her from other girls I’ve talked to irl is that she’s incredibly supportive of who I am and what I want to do as a career and actually seems to make an effort to talk to me lmao

Part of me likes her, but part of me doesn’t wanna rush anything and focus on my career dreams however, and I don’t know what to choose and it’s driving me insane, plus it’s hard to tell of someone likes you or not, especially for someone like me whose never been in a relationship at all

TLDR: met someone, sorta like them but wanna take it slow too, but don’t wanna miss a golden opportunity

1 comment
  1. Hi! Okay so first, you tell her you like her? What’s the worst that can happen…she doesn’t feel the same, right? Is that really so terrible, and I really don’t mean to invalidate your moments because I understand that rejection SUCKS in the moment, but once you get over it you’ll be okay. And then maybe she won’t want to be friends after that? That’s not the greatest feeling ever but she’s not the only friend you’ll make and you’re only a freshman you’ve got plenty of time left in college to make new ones.

    Secondly, if she’s as supportive as you express her to be then she shouldn’t stand in the way of your goals. Plus when you start a relationship it’s okay to make boundaries, it’s actually great. You can still prioritize your relationship while prioritizing and focusing on your future career a little more.

    You’ll never know unless you ask. Talk to them and move at an agreed pace (hopefully slow in your case). Hope this helps, good luck OP!

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