So as the title says, I’m going to a concert with my mother next week, it’s an MGK one. I’m 20 and shes 38, she’s always like pop punk music (Avril Lavigne probably being her favourite), and I feel kinda embarrassed about it I guess? Is this normal?

EDIT: I bought 2 tickets in March, was planning to go with a friend but he pulled out yesterday due to personal reasons I won’t disclose

  1. It’s the kind of thing I would have been mortified to do when I was 16 years old but is absolutely fine as an adult.

  2. It’s cool and fun but I understand why you feel that way, I’ve felt so about many similar things. I think you should own it. You can talk about it to your friends like it’s amazing, because it is. Their reactions will be positive and you’ll feel great about it.

  3. I went to shows with my dad when I was in my 20s and he was in his 50s. I now do the same that I’m in my 40s and he’s in his 70s. Not weird, imo.

  4. You don‘t need to worry about anything. Just enjoy the moment with your mother and the rest won‘t matter as long as you have fun.

  5. It’s wonderful you are going with your mom. Have a great time! Later in life these are the memories that will put a smile on your face.

  6. Both concerts I’ve been to, I went with my mum. I’m very glad I have those memories with her.

  7. You’d remember this time very fondly in future. Friendships are important but nurturing your relationship with parents is also important. IMO you should feel confident about your decision and try to enjoy the concert. Maybe introduce her your favourite MGK songs and discuss your views. It’s a good bonding experience. To answer your question, NO it isn’t weird to go to a concert w your mom.

  8. I’ve done stuff like that with my mum. Mums just want to be a part of your life too sometimes and enjoy what you enjoy. One day you won’t have her.

  9. I took my mom to a motely crue concert and she had so much fun! If it makes you guys happy, fuck it

  10. Not weird, I took my mom to a Coldplay show this year cause it’s her favorite band and I honestly think it was one of the best nights of her life. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks

  11. Absolutely not! Me and my mum want to go see Harry Styles together. I’m 19 and she’s 45.

  12. You should go, my mother’s no longer with us, and us going to gigs together are some of the finest memories I have of her. Who cares what other people think…

    Just my two cents.

  13. I have and still do got to concerts with my mom…and now I’m 35 and bring my 6 year old daughter to concerts… I love my mom! I always have a blast with her. Who cares about age? I have a good friend in her 70s and one that’s 21. It’s great to get different perspectives.

  14. I just went to a concert with a friend and her college-age son. (So we were the ‘oldies’ lol.) We made an effort to dress the part — going to a concert to have a good time! We blasted tunes from the opening band along with the main band before we went.

    Let me just tell you that YOU are the cool person, and SHE looks (slightly, lol) cooler because she’s with you. Tell her to dress the way you would FOR A CONCERT. (Maybe she already knows this.)

    Have fun! We did, and so did my friend’s 21-year-old son. He spent time connecting with the younger people around us of course. If he mentioned his mom at all I imagine he told them “I’m showing the old people how to do fun!”

    Or something. Be proud, be confident! Have fun!

  15. Why would it be weird? Your parents won’t live forever, please enjoy their company while you still can, some day you’ll wish you could get just one more day with them.

  16. Wtf??? My best memories with my mom was going to concerts. She took me when i was 15 to see res hot chili peppers and we went to many others until i was 20.
    Now i am 34 and she is 64 and I would love to take her to coldplay.

    You are overthinking it. Enjoy this times with your mom as you get older and she gets older, this will be the memories you will treasure the most.

  17. I was 16 and went to go to a pink floyd show with a friend of mine and both my parents

  18. The way I see it is that you can’t get embarrassed around a bunch of strangers. If y’all plan on taking a ton of pictures to post to social media then in that case it might be a lil embarrassing.

  19. I don’t find it weird at all. Years later you might regret not doing these sorta stuff with your mom so my advice is, go together and have fun at the concert. You’ll definitely look back at it as a happy memory. There’s nothing embarrassing when it comes to our parents. They are only here a for limited time in your life.

  20. Go with her. I lost my mom this year. I’d do anything to do one last thing with her

  21. I don’t think it’s weird at all. My sister still does it and she’s 25. I would do it too if my husband and I weren’t together

  22. When I was your age I would have said yes. Now I’m 30 and I absolutely would say no it’s not.

  23. Dude nah that’s awesome. If anyone fucks with you, just pop em in the nose and move on.

  24. It’s dumb to not go somewhere with a parent because you’re worried about what other people will think.

  25. Not at all! My kids (18M and 14M) love to go to concerts together. We’ve seen 3 together since June and have always had a great time.

  26. It’s not weird. I took my mom to see Eminem in Detroit. One of my best memories!

  27. Sounds lovely.
    Wish my mom was into the same music but she’s not.
    I guess our age gap is also a lot more.

  28. Hello no I’ve gone with my whole family. Lol plus she’s quite young even though that shouldn’t matter!

  29. I would love to go to a concert with my mom. This is one of those things that when she gets old and passes on, you’ll have this memory to hold onto. Build as many memories as an adult as you can.

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