I’m asking this because is very common here in Latin America for people to live with (or close to) their relatives.

  1. I still live in the same house.

    My bedroom has changed though, it’s now what used to be my sister’s room.

  2. Not remotely. I’ve lived all over the US. I love it bc it I can reinvent myself with each move. I don’t have to be with people who saw my young and awkward phase.

  3. I do not. I have lived in like a dozen different neighborhoods since leaving where I grew up for college.

    College dorm, college house, 2 places in Chicago, 4 places in Providence, 1 place in Ohio, 2 places in Maine again. Brief times in New Hampshire and New York City but I wouldn’t say I “lived there.”

  4. I grew up in Florida and live in Minnesota, so nowhere near it. If I had to guess, it’s becoming more common for younger people live closer to their parents because they can’t afford living on their own.

  5. I’m within 5 miles. Moved away for school at 18, came back 12 years later and have remained within 10 miles since.
    My brother moved away for school and stayed there.

  6. I’m a little over an hour away from the town I grew up in. In my case that puts me in another state. I’m close enough that I can easily stop by and visit, but far enough that it isn’t an every day thing. I’d say I average visiting my parents about once a month.

  7. No – I moved to a different part of the country once I finished college.

    It’s not uncommon though – plenty of people I went to high school with still live in my hometown or one of the neighboring ones, and the vast majority still live in the same state.

  8. I live about 30 miles from where I grew up, but lived 1,500-2,000 miles away when I was in the Air Force.

  9. I live in the bigger town five miles from the one I grew up in. I moved around a bunch in my 20s and wound up back

  10. Hell no that place was just lonely sprawl and growing up there was arguably the reason I’m socially stunted now.

  11. I have never lived anywhere for more than 4 years or so. Growing up a military brat will do that to you.

    What’s weird though is, I still feel cooped up if I stay in close proximity to one specific city too long. So I’ve made a point of remaining semi-nomadic, or at least leaving the option open.

    That said this is far from typical and the average person that does move away from home likely stays within a state or two of their family in the modern day.

  12. Yes, but it certainly wasn’t planned. I’ve lived in Indianapolis, Phoenix Arizona and a few other places. We moved back to my small town to raise our kids. They could ride bikes all over town and have 5 different parks to play in (basketball, tennis courts, 2 ball fields, one large soccer complex). When dad(2016) and mom(2020) passed away we looked to downsize from a big 4 bedroom to a retirement home and realized I had been updating their house for years. I had remodeled the kitchen, the bathroom, and ran all new copper water pipes and PVC waste lines. We bought out my brother and here we are

  13. No. I’ve lived in 4 different areas of the country. Currently about 3 hours drive from where I grew up. I don’t know very many people who live in the same neighborhood we grew up in, maybe 2-3.

  14. I live in the same town as of yesterday. I spent 35 years elsewhere though. We moved when I was 8 and then when I was 21 I moved with my now ex husband who had joined the military.

  15. Nope. The only other relatives i have near me are my parents. The rest of my family is still in WV.

  16. Same general area, yeah. I’m right on the border between two states so my family moved over the border when I was around 12 because the school district on that side was leagues better.

    Then after college I got hired by a tech firm that built their office across the street from my high school while I was at college.

  17. Same region, different town. House I grew up in is currently $2.1million. I’m a teacher, can’t afford that.

  18. Yes; I built a house next to my parents’ and have aunts, uncles, and cousins for neighbors.

  19. Yes, I live in the same city. My family has been in the area since the 1850s and I have unknown cousins all over the place around here.

  20. No, I live about 50 miles away. But I’d like to live there, it’s a really nice town.

  21. I’ve lived in a bunch of different places but currently live in my childhood home. My mom needs a lot of help these days and could not live alone. I do not expect this to be my permanent living situation though.

  22. Nope. We are 25 moves past that.

    I did live in the same area twice, different parts of town with a gap between them…. but nope I don’t live where I grew up. Not state, area, region even.

  23. I do now, but I spent a decade living elsewhere before moving back. It wasn’t until I had kids of my own that it really became important to move home and be close to family.

  24. I live pretty far away from where I grew up. 1000 miles or so. My parents did live in my childhood home for nearly 30 years though. My siblings and I moved around a lot (over most of the lower 48 at some point or another between us) but referred to our childhood home as our “base”.

  25. Nope. I didn’t even live in one place while growing up, and. I have lived in multiple places and cities since then.

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