For me, it was just before I went off to college. My mom, a diehard LSU Tigers fan from a family of diehard LSU Tigers fans (excluding myself, never much cared about sports), jokingly told me that while she’d be thrilled if I started dating someone while I was in college, she’d write me out of the will if I was dating a fan of the Crimson Tide. She said, “I could tolerate an Aggies fan in the family, and I could even tolerate an Ole Miss fan in the family, but a Crimson Tide fan? That’s where I draw the line!”

She has also, on multiple occasions, referred to Alabama as “enemy territory” whenever we’ve been driving through Mississippi and come close to the Mississippi-Alabama border. Lmao

  1. I grew up in Chicago, which is naturally right next to the Wisconsin border. In the early 2000’s I was living in California, talking to a couple of people from Wisconsin and they were like “So you’re a FIB?” I had no idea what that meant and they were like “Should we tell him?”

    Apparently “FIB” was short for “Fucking Illinois Bastard,” a term that Wisconsinites gave to drivers with Illinois plates on the highway.

  2. Louisiana and Alabama don’t border each other. Did you mean Mississippi and Alabama or Louisiana and Mississippi border?

  3. Well your mom is right. Geaux Tigers and fuck Bama.
    We also don’t really associate with north Louisiana. The only one that gets a pass is Natchitoches. Opelousas is perfectly fine as well. I feel like we’d claim Biloxi before Shreveport lol.

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