What is your take on sternum tattoo?

  1. It’s a perfectly valid location for a tattoo. People are welcome to get a tattoo there if they like. People who are judgmental about tattoo placements are assholes – even more so when they are mainly judgmental about common places where *women* get tattooed and aren’t similarly judgmental about common places where *men* get tattooed.

  2. Why on earth would I care how others choose to decorate their bodies? So long as the tattoos aren’t hate symbols, they’re really none of anyone’s business.

  3. The under breasts mandala is very overdone. If you like it you like it but so do 3 other million people.

  4. Get one. I have one. If you think it’s overdone, and how everyone has one, you could say the same thing about arm sleeves. It’s your body so put things wherever you want.

  5. I don’t really like them on men but it can look good on a woman imo. Depends a lot on the design too.

  6. I have over a dozen tattoos and sternum is one place I would definitely not get one because of how much it would hurt 😭

  7. Looks super cool when done well. I won’t shit on anyone who chooses to get one, I just don’t know if I’d get one on me. That shit hurts.

  8. I like tattoos just as much as the next girl but to me sternum tattoos are the modern day tramp stamp for women just like a half sleeve of a forest is the modern day Barbwire around the bicep for men.

  9. They’re cute, and if i didnt have a bone defect on my sternum, i would get one.

  10. I think they can be really beautiful, but also they’re not for everyone because OW

  11. I don’t care about other people’s tattoos but I could never do that because of the imagined vibration going through my ribcage from my sternum. (I do NOT care if it actually does this, my brain believes it and that’s all that matters to my brain)

  12. I bet it hurts. I’d think anyone who got one was a badass, or at least had some awesome pain tolerance.

  13. Just another trend that’ll get tacky over time. Some examples of the past: dreamcatcher on the rib (thank you Miley Cyrus) mustache on the finger (thank you millennial hipsters), tramp stamps (thank you Y2K).

  14. I like it, but I’m scared to get one in case it looks weird with different types of cleavage

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