I’ve been thinking of starting a petition to ban those disposable E-Cigs. I vape myself but I’m talking about the single-use ones. Everywhere I go i see these plastic things on the ground, sometimes with their lithium-ion batteries hanging out (which ARE rechargeable. They’ve been intentionally designed without a power input connection or liquid refill capability. They are a fully functioning electronic cigarette but have been designed to be disposable to encourage repeat business and to make profit. We all know the world is trying to go green, so how on earth are these things legal? the plastic is one thing, but these lithium batteries are pure waste, dangerous and poisonous to the environment and destined for the landfill.

I don’t know the process for starting a petition but I’ll figure it out if this gets much interest.

(EDIT) Thankyou everyone for all your support. I got the 5 signatures required to start a petition but they then took it offline to manually check it for legitimacy or something. They said it takes about a week. If i had known this ridiculously stupid process was gonna go this way i would have held off. because i’m going to miss a lot of signatures now. Please either bookmark this post and come back in a week, OR DM your email address and I will send out a mass email as soon as we’re able to start adding signatures and getting this going. Thanks again everyone

  1. Yeah there should be stricter legislation on these, especially considering how bad lithium can be if it’s not disposed of properly

  2. Those fairy pens? I dunno what they’re called are literally everywhere… It would be so easy to just make them all rechargable, there’s no reason for a hunk of plastic and other bits to be made with the soul purpose of throwing them on the floor for animals to chew on, or for them to degrade (eventually) and put a lovely dose of fuck knows what into the soil…

  3. I think a vast majority of them are illegal anyway, imported from abroad and don’t meet UK regs, the crackdown on them has been nowhere near as vast as their use though.

  4. Elf bars have to be the biggest culprits, my son who is 18 smokes them, as do all his friends. Pretty much all teenagers who vape smoke them. They last a day and a half. Only 600 puffs in them. It makes me feel so old when I say to him I don’t know how they are legal because they are so bad for the environment and so wasteful.

  5. Please don’t use change.org – it’s basically just a data farm.

    The UK Gov petitions are a much better option.

  6. I harvest them.

    The batteries are rechargeable.

    I have piles of Li-Ion batteries for electronics projects now.

    To me they are a free source of batteries… but I support your plan. They should not be disposable.

    I enjoyed the free stuff whilst it lasted, and I will until your proposal goes through, which it inevitably will do.

    Until then, I will continue to get free batteries.

  7. How about a petition for better recycling overall!!! Every 6 months this country gets in another coutries news as being caught dumping their trash in poor countries. One year ago was sri lanka, 6 months ago was romania. Just get to the source of the problems. People are fine having nerve damage and all they do is take painkillers.

  8. I’m in. Also we should pressure supermarkets etc. They’re jumping all over themselves to be ‘greener’ yet sell this crap.

  9. It is ridiculous, plastic straws are banned but they’re ok with disposable electronics littering the countryside.

  10. Government regulation is a big one. Disposable pens are legally limited to 2ml of vape fluid inside of them, meaning they don’t last long and your buying them constantly every couple days if your a constant user, to get the longer lasting ones that could last you a week or even a month, you need to go to the less scrupulous vape shops to obtain them, as they would technically be illegal.

    One of these ones I’ve seen claims to have 7000 puffs, and is also rechargeable because of the amount of liquid in it, but after its used up it still needs chucking

  11. Can we add to that, no more gross clouds of saccharin sweet “candyfloss” or whatever the fuck, that the people walking behind you have to dodge.

  12. Whoever was in charge of marketing those should be held accountable. Marketing is the only career where you can cause huge ecological damage through the use of lies, and have zero repercussions.

    I’d sign that petition if there is one?

  13. I wasn’t really aware of these things but they sound like a terrible waste and an unnecessary impact on the environment. I’ll happily sign the petition once you post the link

  14. Majority of them come in plastic sealed bags also, everything about these things are awful, my work collegue goes through these things 1 per day, straight in the bin no recycling at all.

  15. I agree. Did you know even though they are exactly the same as rechargeable ones they are cheaper to manufacture. They should be using non-rechargeable batteries.

    The only good thing is they are 100% recyclable.

  16. Do you need any more email addresses? I’m very happy to join this petition! This morning I was sat at the bus stop watching a girl of about 15 with one of these in her hand and a tin of red bull in the other, thinking about how much I’d love to eradicate both from this earth (energy drinks and vapes, not the girl).

    I can’t stand the things, I hate seeing kids sucking on them, hate seeing them strewn all over the floor and I hate how much waste and plastic they generate. My partner smokes them and buys a new one seemingly every other day – they’re such a waste!

    I wish they could be banned and I’m astounded that they’re just allowed to be so readily available.

  17. I was thinking the same but it seems unlikely. But I think there should be a £5+ refundable deposit so that people would have to return them rather than chuck them on the ground.

  18. I for one won’t be signing the petition.

    Yes they are bad for the environment, as are one use plastics and all of the rest of it.

    People need more education into the fact that these E-cigs can be whacked in the electrical recycling at any tip in the country.

    I keep my used ones in a box, and recycle them.

  19. I don’t get the logic. The problem here is people throwing shit on the ground, not a problem inherent in the product itself, no?

  20. Don’t get me wrong, they are super messed up in terms of the environment etc – but having vaped for many years using all types of set up I’ve gotta say they are the best form of vaping that’s come out of the industry. They fill the void left by the banning of ten packs of cigs for people who only smoke socially. They’re more acceptable in a beer garden than a smoke machine of a sub ohm tank. And they’re less of a faff than refillable pods.

    I personally don’t buy them, and use a rechargeable pod kit at the moment. But I can totally see why they’re so popular.

    In the mean time, before they do get banned, there ought to be a lot more of a push on informing about how they can be recycled. Honestly, maybe going as far as putting battery waste bins in smoking areas equivalent to ash trays might help .

  21. This has also been bugging me for a while. They’re fucking everywhere and obviously contain a battery, plastic and other chemicals. I also vape, but I’ve had the same thing for about 6 months now, if it breaks I’ll replace it and that’s about it.

    There are people at my work who literally open a new box every single morning and just chucks the old one in the bin. I feel like there’s going to be an announcement in coming years about how dangerous they are for the environment on a large scale.

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