I (f23) have had a hard time making friends since the pandemic. I had a group of friends that I used to hang out with from high school but we’ve all drifted apart.

How do I make new friends? I work a full-time job in an office but everyone I work with is a lot older than me and I have no interest in hanging out with them outside of work.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated 🙂

  1. If you don’t have a hobby I would suggest starting there. Head out to places that people who have the same hobby go to and just start a conversation.

  2. You said you don’t want to hang out with your older coworkers. I wouldn’t be such a friend snob.

    I had a coworker who was 20 years older than me who was cool to me and seemingly wanting to befriend me. At first, I was like you. “He’s too old”. But he turned out to be an awesome friend.

    Good friends are hard to come by so it’s not a good idea to restrict yourself.

  3. As others mentioned, hobbies and not practicing ageism. I’m 36 and I have friends younger and older. To be honest, some of my older friends are great because they are low drama and wise. They understand how to enjoy simple things and are usually the most open minded.

  4. Try finding people outside of work if you cant find anything in common with the people there

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