You get to live the perfect, luxurious life, but only for about half the lifespan

  1. I just want to die happy and with the feeling of fulfilment, if I have 20 billion dollars when I’m 20 but it means I’m going to die at 40, I’m willing to do that.

  2. Fuck yeah, it would be a 20 year blowout celebration as i leave my family rich for generations to come

  3. Absolutely. I get more money then I could ever spend, AND I get to check out early?!?! Where do I sign up???

  4. Nope, life is too precious and full of surprises to waste it on something as silly as creature comfort and security. Think about the ones you’ll leave behind, sure they’ll have your left over fortune but they’d rather have you to laugh with, share their lives with or lean on when they need you. Monies nice but it provides cold comfort when they really need you in their lives.

  5. If you asked me when i was 20 i’d probably would’ve taken it, at 37 if given the chance to go back being 20 under the same terms, hell no. And i’m far from rich.

  6. nope, i have a little bit of money now and i was also poor as fuck. i’m not happier now; i’m just not pressured by random bills anymore.

  7. No I wouldn’t. I just stopped wanting to die and that would mean I’ve only got 13 years left to enjoy life and honestly, I want more time than that.

  8. Not a chance, although I might’ve said differently at 20.

    I truly have no desire for that amount of money, 10 million tops is all I would ever want, the rest is just unwanted attention.

    All I want is enough to own maybe 2 houses in different climates and life my life comfortably without ever really needing to worry about money, 10 millions would be more than enough for this.

    Really the whole concept of a billionaire just baffles me. Why don’t they just quite and live their lives in peace, why do they continue to amass more and more wealth beyond what they could possibly use, it just doesn’t make any sense, what value is something to a person if they can’t actually use it?

  9. The average person spends approximately 35% of his waking hours at work. So given that i live until I’m 70, i have to work approximately 25 years. So my time for myself is about 50 years. But calculating from 20 as per the question, 50-20=30, i live 30 years on my own living not so great life and saving money on little things.

    Now, i get 20-40(20 years) of time with 20 billion $, living a great life with no thought about money? Ofcourse imma take it. I feel it’s better to live a greater and shorter life tham a longer and mediocre life.

  10. hell no. My mom died at 42 and it was a tragedy. She missed out on so much, and we still miss her every day. 40 is so so young.

  11. Everyone here will say whatever they want, all comfy from their trailer, but reality is if you were really going to take the deal and know you’re going to die in a certain year or day as a young adult, you’d probably not do it.

  12. If you would’ve asked me at 20, yes.

    If you ask me now, no.

    I’m pretty sure that kind of money comes with more problems than I’d like to deal with.

  13. The last 5 years of your life is gonna be fucked because you know you’re gonna die.. watch people try and claw their way out of that agreement towards the end of the contract.

    Besides, I’d rather walk my daughter down the isle, see my kids graduate or hold a grandchild over any amount of money you could possibly throw my way.

    And for that reason, I’m out.

  14. Young me would have said no, and old me is saying no. No amount of money ever bought a second of time. We can lament all we want about “a long miserable life,” but truly I think life is beautiful, and unless you’ve been exceedingly unfortunate to live a life of forced enslavement then I’d always take time over money.

  15. Sure. That would give me 20 years to set up a trust for foster kids, food assistance, shelter assistance and education in the US. 20 billion dollars could make a massive difference for those in need.

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