What movie is better if you watch it a 2nd time?

  1. The Children’s Hour (1964)

    It’s hard film to watch but also an incredibly made film from the beginning. However, I really missed so much of the early queer coding the first time I watched it and having gone back I just think it’s that much more incredibly well made. Forewarning for anyone who might watch it, it’s hard and it’s not all that kind to queer people, but I think still important.

  2. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera. It was funny the first time, but mostly so weird that it’s hard to focus on how funny it is. The second time through the weirdness has worn off enough to really enjoy the jokes.

  3. The Sixth Sense

    There are clues throughout the movie which hint at the surprise ending. I never picked up on them until seeing it a second time.

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