Literally spent the whole day flirting with my husband with little return. I was hoping it would be fun and spice things up but he pretty much ignored me and dismissed my attempts of a good time.

After dinner went upstairs thinking he would be up soon. Waited over 2 hours and then I was tired so I went to bed. He had the audacity to ask me if we were going to watch the show I have repeatedly asked him to watch with me and he never came up to watch. No urgency or attention given.

I really think he is avoiding me and I think something is up. This is not how I thought my day would go.

I’m pissed and I don’t even want to be around him.

  1. I’d try telling him how you feel. He’s clearly not picking up what you’re putting down. I’d be shocked if he has any idea why you’re upset or even that he had a part in upsetting you. Maybe that is just how he is or maybe he had something else on his mind. Either way, talking to him is the best way to understand what happened from his perspective.

  2. Open communication without placing any blame on anyone is always the best option. Explain how you were feeling during your interaction with him. If he gets defensive or isn’t receptive then ask him if the two of you can plan a time in the future to discuss what happened, this way you both are prepared for a conversation

  3. You are engaging in covert contracts. You created an expectation: if I text him, he will do X that I want him to do. He can’t read your mind & doesn’t have any idea what you want because you created all of that in your head. You set yourself and him up for failure & disappointment. The solution is to tell him directly what you want. In order to get what you want, you have to express what you want clearly.

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