How do you feel about your partner hugging a female freind?

  1. As long as they both consent and are appropriately platonic about it, I don’t see why I would care.

  2. Quick hug as a greeting is fine

    Squeezing her and melting into her is a no from me. I mean unless she’s grieving or something

  3. I don’t really care. as long as they’re comfortable with it idk why it matters.

  4. We live in a town of huggers. Because my husband is sober it’s really funny to watch drunks latch onto him. They can just sense it.

  5. You’d have to know your partner and be your own judge.

    Mine doesn’t hug anyone unless they are family.

    So if he randomly got a new friend and it was a woman and he was hugging her? I’d be like “wtf?” But not think anything more about it unless other suspicious behavior was observed.

  6. I don’t mind since he is a hugger and has female friends. As long as he respects the relationship, it doesn’t bother me.

  7. My husband isn’t really a hugger and he doesn’t really have friends, so it would raise some alarms if he made friends with a woman and looked comfortable hugging. Also hugging from behind would be a hard limit for me.

  8. That’s fine

    Lol reminds of when my coworker (at a birthday party) went to greet me with a hug. His girlfriend, who he took along as a guest, dove in just as he’s approaching me and it became an awkward group hug with all three of us😂🤣

  9. As long as they respect the relationship, it’s cool. If they don’t let go, we have a problem.

  10. Fine..? Physical affection among friends is normal and healthy. A hug isn’t inherently sexual.

    I wouldn’t be with a partner I don’t trust to have platonic friendships with women.

  11. Glad he and she feel comfortable getting a hug from one another. Friends are important.

  12. Why would I care if my girlfriend gave someone a hug? We both hug our friends, it’s a normal and entirely platonic action

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