I (25f) have no experience with guys. Never dated, never approached and never been approached.

I met a guy a month back and he gave me his number on the pretext of helping with something. I being the inexperienced person that I’m messaged him after a week. I messaged him the second time after a month and this time our conversation lasted for 7 hours where we both were asking each other questions and talking and having a good time (or atleast I thought that) but he stopped texting mid conversation. Now it’s been a week and not heard a word from him. There is also huge cultural gap between us. So I don’t know if he’s interested.

I don’t know if I should message him again as both of the times I started texting. I don’t even know what should I say.

  1. Relax. If it’s meant to be it will be. I’ve found that the best way to find people is not to be looking.

  2. Jesus u want to be texting for like 12 hours or something? Hes not interested its been a week. Move on. If he was interested he woulda cared to close the conversation and woulda text by now.

  3. Sorry just put this to rest, it was too much emphasis with the 7 hour convo and then to just leave it and never text back… just leave it as is and be at peace if he texts back you can be friendly just don’t get too intense, take things slow

  4. I mean nah, don’t go chasing anyone. Whether it’s a guy or girl or whether you’re a guy a girl. If you’re meant to click then you’ll click.

  5. Hello I’m DENNIS living in Ghana man, interested to have good friend for a kind conversation sand other fun, im kind, sincere, unjudge, respectful and funny sometimes. We can also talk about some natures and attractive places and will be eager to introduce my country and any exploring places you can reach if plan to visit example like kakum park, mole, monkey century, water falls, museum, beach and many more places. I’m Christian busy every Sunday just to pray to God for his kindness

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