I’m having trouble finding friends. Most of my old friends have turned out to be assholes after a few years in High School, and I need to find people who actually like me for me. I don’t really know how to tho. I know I should be putting myself out there more, but I don’t want to force a connection on someone, and MAKE them be friends with me. That would just feel awful. I’ve tried making friends online too, but that hasn’t gone great either. What can I do?

  1. Your kinda starting with the wrong attitude. “Force a connection with someone.” That sounds like you don’t have much to offer! And I’m sure that you do. I mean, what you say is true, of course, you don’t want to force anything, but you have to BRING something to any interaction/relationship that will be appealing to the other person.

    Here are four traits that are almost universally appealing, I call them ECHO: Enthusiasm, Confidence, Humor & Optimism. Most people don’t have all four, but if you can work on developing two of them that’ll be a big step forward.

    Good luck!

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