Men of Reddit, what would be a nice way for a woman to make the first move/approach you?

  1. Tell me she wants me to come back to her place for some “Netflix and chill”

    Gotta be direct or I think you are just scamming for free drinks

  2. Just come up and say hi. That’s all it takes to start a conversation and see where it goes.

  3. I like museums, zoos, parks, beaches, mountains, waterfalls.

    So if someone asked me, I would probably go.

  4. Say “Hi” and preferably be breathing… but if you can say it without, I guess it’ll be ok too.

  5. Just please make it obvious that you’re not trying to rob me & use the word “date” when you ask me out followed by offering me your #

    You can ease the tension by saying you don’t ask out guys that often too. Most would just be happy to be given attention

    HOWEVER if the guy looks paranoid af THIS IS NOT PERSONAL & rather normal reaction imo

    Most guys aren’t used to this attention & would assume the worst until you convince them. In high school I girl I thought was asking me out, wanted to use me for my hw

    A woman asked me out on the street in college tried to ask if she could see my wallet for some dumb reason which I’m sure it wasn’t to just check out how nice the quality leather is

    Another just wanted me to sign a petition for her cause & she pulled a clipboard out of her bag

    Imagine a lifetime of these interactions in the back of his head vs you coming up to him. I’ve only been asked out once at 25 & it was really awesome

    Hell I wasn’t even remotely attracted to her but I gave her a shot because I admired her courage & wanted to be open minded

    I believe in you

  6. Say hi how you doing and strike up a conversation and if I don’t come accross as some freak come out and say how about we catch up some time, I am bound to say yes!

  7. Not much needed. Come say hi.

    I once had a girl make me drink the foam off her beer in a bar as she, in her words, “didn’t like that part”. So I did. Sadly, my best friend’s gf ruined it that night, so I never got around to getting to know this girl.

  8. Direct communication no games or anything, if u like me say “hey do u wanna go out for coffee or a drink sometime?”

  9. Idle chat, could be about anything. Obviously talking about a dog (if they have one) is a super easy-in for example.


    Begin the first move by asking “Hey, wanted to get your opinion on something if you don’t mind. Great! So what do you think would be a nice way for a woman to make the first move if she sees someone they’re interested in?” If they positively respond to that…do what they say to *them*.

  10. Honestly just don’t be creepy or try and buddy up to his friends and you should be good.

    Most will appreciate it some will be taken by surprise others will be more like “uhhh…ok?” Can’t take it personal half the time we are in our own little world.

  11. Literally just come over and talk.

    I’ll be somewhat suspicious at first (I’ll think you’re trying to screw with me or screw me in a way I don’t want to be screwed, which is everyway except actually screwing.)

    But if you ask me out and make it clear you mean it, I’ll either say yes if you’re cute or let you down gently if I’m not attracted to you or taken.

  12. One time this girl asked me to help her look for something in her car and I was like, 100% down to help her look. Completely clueless to the fact that she just wanted to get me alone to tell me that she liked me and ask if I liked her back, when I said I did we made out for like 30 minutes and started dating right after. I guess that’s pretty damn forward. But it worked on me.

    But as of right now if someone would just ask me to go out with them, flat out, plain and simple that’d be the ideal way for me I guess. I know not all men are the same but I’d rather not play the guessing game of whether or not a girl likes me and spend weeks/months working up to that point. But we don’t live in a ideal world so it’s not for everyone obviously.

  13. “Hi. Here’s my number. Call me.” 90% acceptance rate from single men, 5% acceptance from taken men.

  14. Woman here, 💁🏼‍♀️ Idk I was super shy and suffered social anxiety, I messaged my current bf 5 years ago over fb messenger (we used to work together and I added him as we had mutual coworker friends)
    After chit chat I told him I liked him, he thought I meant it in a friend way and I sent a kung fu panda sticker blowing a heart to clarify I was interested in him romantically. Asked him out to see the power rangers movie, so overall I think that’s a way a guy would like to be asked out lol from my experience. That’s the only time I asked a guy out

  15. Actually doing it.

    Edit: And also following through with asking out. A lot of women seem to think that walking up to someone and saying “Hi” is enough and that the guys are supposed to ask them out without knowing what they want. Kinda awkward to walk up to someone and then wait for them to do something, isn’t it?

  16. re approaching, compliment me. ask me questions that tell me you are trying to get to know me.

    re making the first move, do light physical touch, playful taps, if we’re walking side by side hold my arm or hand. If we greet each other open your arms for a hug.

  17. be upfront


    most of the time when women say they make a move, it’s really just trying to manipulate the guy into making the first move


    figure out the message you want to send and say it in plane English

  18. Just do whatever comes to mind first, you’d have to be trying to fuck up on purpose for a woman making the first move to not be “nice”.

  19. My question is, WHERE can I approach you gentlemen? I hate apps and am trying to meet more people, but I honestly have no idea where the single men hang.

    Should I put a milkshake in my yard or something?

  20. Just ask. It is very rare, throws us off, and is flattering. My first gf asked me out and I fell in love at first sight practically 😂😂

  21. Play a little eye contact game with me. Give me a smile. Step away from your friends a little so I don’t need to meet five people just talk to you. And then let me do the rest.

  22. Gold standard of any approach in my opinion is just “Hi my name is x”

    Maybe its boring but…idk I just came back from a night out meeting new people…not even women trying to hit on me…it is fucking exhausting having a conversation with someone who hands you a curve ball of an opener or make conversation hard.

  23. Notes with your number are great. Handoff with a smile is probably best…no pressure for either party.

    I was running a job fixing a parking garage at a hospital one summer when my worker brought me a note she had found on our construction vehicle. Apparently one of the nursing students had noticed me and worked up the courage to leave me her number with a note.

    I was in a long term relationship so I knew I couldn’t act on it, but I made a point to reach out to her and tell her how awesome I thought it was and that she should totally keep leaving guys notes. Turns out she was shy and had been checking me out all summer until her friends finally talked her into leaving a note. Made my summer.

  24. A woman called me handsome the other day. I really like receiving compliments, so I thanked her and mentioned it was sweet of her to say.
    She wasn’t looking for anything, she just felt like letting me know.
    More people like this in my life please 🙏

  25. I’ve been waiting for years for it to happen. at this point I really don’t care how it happens

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