
* 23 M
* No romantic experience (dateless,kissless etc.)
* I can approach new people in quite decent level:
* I was told several times how social I am
* Once I assimilated into a group where I knew no one, and after 30 minutes I was told how beloved I already am.
* In my last social gathering, I changed contact with 3 girls.

Even so, I’ve never been on a date. Considering my age, I think it is not only the result of bad luck (e.g., you have not met the right person yet).

I assume it has two root causes:

* I always approach girls with a make-new-friend mindset. I kind of repress my romantic intentions, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. \*\*
* I don’t know the “flowchart” of the date organization. What to do after the initial encounter. Should I write something natural first and then try to ask her out to an event? What is the usual time frame?


* How does the approach to making new friends and making a potential romantic partner differ?
* Can you give me a practical example of flirting? (Eg., moving clips, dialogs).
* What does a typical date organization look like started after we changed contact information.

*\*\* I’m genuinely happy for all of my friends, regardless of gender. I am only concerned that, despite my age, I have absolutely no romantic experience.*

  1. I’ve been told from several women that they wont date friends. I had same mindset when I was young, been too friendly= friendzoned.
    Tease them, look in the eyes little longer, break touchbarrier etc… Don’t wait too long to ask them out just two of you

  2. I’ll give you genuine advice here, don’t do that with any girl who is not going to marry you. If you want to be romantic with anyone in the world trust me brother save it for your wife and she will give you back much more than any girl who doesn’t know what she wants.

    With a wife you can open yourself fully and know she won’t judge you for it or use it against you. If you have the right kind of wife, of course you could get a wrong wife (the bad type) but that’s for you to find out before marrying someone.

    Trust me bro at 23 it’s not worth it find a true woman who intends to love you only and you will be the happiest man.

  3. Looking at previous comments, this might be unpopular, but… you’re not doing anything wrong. Make friends and if you find a girl attractive, after a while ask her if she wants to go out for coffee or dinner. Compliment her, joke around with her, let her know you like her. See how she responds.

    Some men will claim that there’s such a thing as “the friendzone”, but there is no friendzone, there is just women who don’t find you attractive as a potential partner. If a girl likes you, she will date you even after you’ve spent some time together as friends. In my experience it could even make your relationship stronger.

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