Currently 16 year old, and in 11th grade. I just need the right fragrance. I need to follow jeremy fragrance’s 4 principles: “it’s POWER, I-I-TS FRESH, it’s SPICY”. Do women like power? fresh? or spicy? Usually I leave my house with around 17 sprays, because when women pass by theyre probably going to be like “damn, that guy smells like power!. So cute”. I must have a fragrance.

I dont want a female fragrance, or a flowery scent. It has to be for M E N. Sweet scents are weak; fodder. Women love fragrances, so I leave home with 17 sprays of 1 fragrance, and 9 sprays of another fragrance but it’s cheap. But why isnt it working? The fragrance should be able to fix it, but its not working.

Please…how do I get the right fragrance…I need the right fragrance.

And once again, I want a fragrance for M E N. No flowers.

  1. You’re 16 years old lol. The only “fragrance’ you need to worry about rn is not smelling like gym shorts. Seriously as long as you shower regularly and use deodorant, you’re set in that category.

    The thing about real fragrances is it’s less about what it smells like and more about how it works together with your natural musk. Pick a fragrance you like and test it out for a while. Keep doing that until you find one that you like and doesn’t make ppl hold their nose when they talk to you.

    Lastly there’s no such thing as a “male” or “female” fragrance. They’re just marketed to different sexes for profits. Most folks I see who work with fragrance and educate ppl on them use both regardless of sex.

  2. Maybe, you should focus a little less on how you smell and more on how you act or carry yourself. Having a high quality fragrance can only do so much to help you. I feel that women would overall prefer men who smell decent and are good in every other aspect than men who smell like power,but are too shabby at everything else.

  3. If you’re spraying yourself 28 times, no one thinks it’s cute. You’re the obnoxiously oblivious guy in class who smell is so strong it’ll give some people headaches. It won’t make people like you, it’s going to do the opposite.

  4. As a 17 year old teenage girl, I LOVE Axe on men, and many women find it gross but I find it very sporty and hot. Also perfume-wise I would highly recommend Jean Paul Gaultier and Paco Rabbanne for men, they’re very powerful, sexy and hot, and exude masculinity! Also the perfume ones are more likely to be liked or appealing to a much larger scale obviously lol because the Axe thing is just my opinion specifically haha. Also, don’t spray huge amounts of it, whenever you put on, just a little bit to make it noticeable if not it will just make a headache haha.

  5. Omg please do NOT put that much spray on!!! When you put too much (especially if your putting on more than one “fragrance”) it becomes overpowering and nobody wants to be near someone who drowns themselves in spray.

    All you really need to do is not smell homeless/like shit (shower often and wash ya ass) and if you want a “fragrance” put only a couple sprays, maybe 2 or 3, because for men’s bodyspray its very strong and lasts quite long so you don’t need very much.

  6. 26 sprays? That’s way too many and you’ll end up smelling way too strong, resulting in the opposite of what you want. What works for me is 2 on the neck, and one on each wrist. That’s enough. Women like it when men smell nice but not when the man is the only thing they can smell in a ten mile radius.

  7. 17 sprays before you leave the house, try showering and washing your clothes on a regular basis as you have clearly gone nose deaf.

  8. Floss your teeth, brush your teeth twice a day, use deodorant. When you shower wash everything. As long as you do these things forever and always, no fragrance is needed.

  9. You need to visit r/niceguys and learn how to stop being the way you are. I guarantee your lack of “fragrance” is not your problem with women. Unless your natural musk is disgusting. Just shower and use body spray like other 16 year old boys. Believe me, women your age will not know the difference.

    I wish I had a book to tell you to ready to fix… just everything about you and everything about this post. Because everything about it is just incorrect.

  10. Bro, SEVENTEEN TIMES??? I can tell you what WONT attract women. 17 sprays of any cologne lol. Less is more man. 2 sprays max imo and put it in places that have more heat. So behind the ears, neck, and wrists are all good places. Also, invest in a quality, good cologne. The cheap stuff smells cheap. Try Chanel Blue. I get lots of compliments on that shit. Can’t go wrong with Armani either. Or, if you REALLY wanna splurge, get Creed Aventus lol. Almost nobody has that because it’s 300/bottle haha

    Also, no matter how good you smell, fragarance alone will not attract a woman. Your personality, charm and confidence will though.

  11. For Fragrance, it’s usually 1 spray into the air and you walk into it the mist to apply homogeneously.

  12. You need 3 sprays max, I should have to give you a hug to smell you or brush by really close.

    Anything more is overwhelming to my nose and will give me a headache. You shouldn’t permeate an area with your smell.

  13. No perfume can beat those natural musky pheromones. I only noticed this with my most recent bf (now ex). His head smelt so good I just wanted to burry my face in it.

  14. You don’t. Just shower often, use deodorant (non fragrance or something subtle) in the morning and you’ll be ahead of most 16 year olds.

  15. Can’t tell if this is a serious post or not…

    Nobody cares that much about smell as long as you shower and don’t smell like BO. Too much fragrance is gross, and some women are allergic or overly sensitive so it’s a turn off.

  16. One spray on your shirt at each clavicle and a light one on the back of your neck MAX. A spray on cloth holds scent longer and youd be surprised at how many women walk behind a guy and catch a scent. A daily shower with a a clean soap will do more than anything.

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