Every time I’m with a guy I want to hug and cuddle with them the entire time. A lot of times I will put their arm around me and snuggle up next to them.

  1. It’s your thing, you like doing it. Maybe for some it’ll be too clingy but don’t change what you like to appease the group of guys that don’t like it.

  2. I hate public affection, a mom and child is different but seeing a fucking 40 year old making out with a 50 year old is fucking embarrassing, he can’t bang her she’s probably dry as a bone, what is the topic again?

  3. Guy here. I love cuddles. No such thing as too much of them! Never enough tbh

  4. I hope not. At least in the car, even if they’re “mature” in public.

  5. Oh dear, no worries about that. I love doing that kind of stuff all the time. Even when the guy I’m with is our first time meeting each other.

    I think you can call it “physical contact” as your main love language 🙂 Also, a little secret: even if they don’t say it, THEY LOVE IT 😉

  6. What do you mean by “I’m with guy”? Do you mean you are in a relationship or that you are hanging out with a co-worker and in the next day with another friend and you do this with everybody? You know, the latter might not be totally healthy.

    I remember when we went on a road trip, 4 guys and 4 girls, all around 20 years old. I knew only one guy and others were total strangers to me at the beginning of the trip. After few days, I had this impression that one of the girls is really hitting on me. She was flirting with me and so on. Being nice, smiles, long eye contact, intimate jokes, physical contact, etc… I was not mistaken, I experienced it before. Many times.

    One evening, we (guys) met and started to talk about the girls, to sort out who is matched with who so we do not get in the way each to other. We all said “I am taking this girl, we are already flirting for four days straight”. Huh? Funny situation. Then I realized, she was simply like that. I went out of the way and was observing her behavior for next ten days. Her default behavior always gave an impression she is flirting, although she wasn’t.

    I do not know if she was some kind of a sociopath or something or she was doing it unconsciously. We ere friends for 1-2 more years and she never stopped being like that.

    So if you do this “arm around me” with guys you are not really interested in, you might give them wrong impressions and hurt somebody.

    If you are in a relationship, it is pretty normal. It will fall off after few years.

  7. For me, cuddling with a girl is a romantic activity, or with girls I’m extremely close friends with and have been for many years. From what it seems I suppose you aren’t romantic with all of these guys. I personally wouldn’t want to cuddle unless we were romantic.

  8. Personally, I would like that affection, but it’s hard to construe as platonic. It’s a harmless habit but be careful with how you come off.

  9. I mean to me that’s certainly not a thing you just do with your friends. Cuddling is nice when you do it with somebody that you are romantically involved with or when the intentions are clear that you aren’t just friends. I’ll bet a ton of your guy friends that you cuddle with have feelings for you

  10. If it was me, Id say absolutely clingy. I enjoy my personal space. So unless Im watching a movie or laying down in bed with my SO then its usually hands off.

  11. Honestly i would love to be your friend, im the same way but limit myself to not make ppl feel uncomfortable 😔

  12. Based on your comments, yes. You are clingy. But you’re also needy and desperate. Please get some help.

  13. Yes definitely sounds clingy. If they do it naturally or you cuddle up and they cuddle back great but to make someone don’t is too far and clearly there are deeper issues at play. Not to mention it’s not allowing for the respect of other people’s person space and comfort it’s only considering your own

  14. Don’t waste your breath responding, my friends. OP is determined to ignore and misunderstand all advice. They know they’re using people and they like it.

  15. If you do this with guys you only consider your friends, well, I don’t think they only see you only as a friend. If they don’t have feelings for you yet, they will catch them in no time.

    I had a girl friend who did this to every guy she was friends with. They catched feelings for her pretty fast and she had to reject them constantly. One of them didn’t take it okay and kinda became her stalker. Followed everywhere around the college campus and made her felt uncomfortable really fast.

    With other guy, she was cuddling with him when he got an erecti*n and sure enough, she got uncomfortable.

    She was a nice girl but got a bad reputation for “hitting” in every man she met. Hope all of this doesn’t happen to you

  16. Absolutely not. In fact, not only would this be welcomed, but it would be encouraged. I love relationships like this. I cannot stand if it hits the leave me be stage.

  17. you better make it clear what you are to each of them and make sure they’re not a jealous/possessive type

  18. i fantasize about this …with a few of my coworkers 😭 but i would never actually do it 😀😔 Not sure what’s going on with me

  19. I like doing that regardless of romantic or sexual attraction, but it really depends on how comfortable the other person is with it, even if someone doesn’t explicitly tell you not to, just be aware that some people don’t like physical affection that much. You may or may not be clingy, but this isn’t the way to tell.

  20. So much weird shaming here, it’s perfectly fine and everyone is an adult. Stop reading so much into stuff people.

  21. Ayo bro everyone telling her tht she leading them on but if she enjoys doing that and all of her friends enjoy tht let them all have fun smh😂

  22. Guys don’t care nearly as much about girls being clingy as the other way around.

  23. The only men you cuddle with should be your boyfriend and maybe like your dad or brother.

  24. I am only cuddly with he person I am with at the time(maybe overly so)- other than that I generally dont like to be touched but this is my take on the matter. If you are in a relationship with the person you are cuddling or trying to be close to then there is no issue or if it someone you know really really well- that has said they take no issue with what you are doing- some people might find that it is crossing their personal boundariesand might not say anything as they are trying to be polite. Also, if you are in a relationship and cuddling up to other guys/people then it might not sit well with your partner. If it is random strangers or people you are not overly familiar with then it also worth mentioning that you could cause an issue in their relationship if they are not single.

    That is just my take but aside from a select handful of people I am not fond of being touched/hugged/ or cuddled really.

  25. You remind me of this girl I use to see. She was always like that with other guys, right in front of me. She would just always be next to one of the guys in our group. She actually slept with my brother one night! I never went back to that strip club again.

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