Hey guys,

The guy I’m seeing wants to be just friends he’s not interested in a relationship. I want a relationship I do not do friends with benefits or at least I don’t do situations with no end goal in mind.

I lost my virginity to him last week. We’ve been on 5 dates so far.

I would feel hurt if he got a girlfriend anyways

I’m thinking of

Option A: stop contacting him and hanging out and tell him to text me if he’s interested in an exclusive relationship

Option B: remain friends ..platonic friends no sex

Thanks for your help.

Update: We will be friends. I’m still keeping my options open. I’ll enjoy the experience but My cut off for exclusivity is june.

  1. Option B from the guy perspective is wanting to be friends on the sole basis of you warming up to a fwb.

  2. More than likely you’re not going to be able to be friends with this guy. Every time you talk or see him you’ll remember that he took your virginity and then didn’t want to date you anymore. It’s time to move on, and in the future, make sure a guy’s intentions on what he’s looking for is clear and postpone sex for a bit If you’re not sure.

  3. Go no contact so you can move on, unless you think he might change his mind, then you can try and have a talk with him. But be ready to cut all contacts.

  4. Did either of you discuss the trajectory before hand? Either way, it’s not working

  5. Fucking run. 😂

    Dudes just looking for nonserious action. There’s a lot of feelings involved with losing your virginity. Lost mine at 14 to an 18 year old and thought I loved her after. 😂

    Your feelings will pass and the “post virginity fog” will lift from your eyes. NEVER compromise on your values and desires from a relationship/partner. It’s a way to end up alone, bitter, and child laden years down the road if you do.

  6. Two people want different things. Hmmm sounds like two people who should be going two separate ways. Don’t settle for what you don’t want to the point you make yourself think it is.

  7. I’m in a very similar situation. I cut all contact and feel incredibly better.

    I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. There’s better guys out there for us 🙂

  8. So you know how guys can end up in the friendzone? Girls don’t.

    Girls end up in the fuck zone. A place where you can bang the guy, but he won’t take you seriously in a relationship.

    You are here. You live here. Either make yourself comfy and enjoy the fuck zone, or move on to a different guy.

  9. Why is he even taking you on dates if he doesn’t want anything serious? Mad confusing

  10. There’s only one option in these situations. And that’s to cut contact and move on.

    You both want different things and you just trying to be his friend will only cause you pain trust me, especially when you see him dating other girls etc.

    it’s the best option to move on I’ve been in this situation where I’ve stayed friends with someone who I wanted to be with and who didn’t want to be with me in the hope one day they would change their mind. It never did of course and just caused me pain and was a waste of time.

  11. Stay true to what you want, and cut contact.

    Otherwise you’re just going to be hurt in the long run. Some people just aren’t cut out for situationships or FwBs (myself included) and you shouldn’t be made to feel weird or wrong for not wanting it. It’s ok to want exclusivity and you’ll find someone who wants that too.

  12. neither. don’t give him an option. he told u what he doesn’t want so leave it and go find someone who wants the same thing as u. if he wants something down the road i’m sure you’ll be in mind and he’ll contact u. but honestly just leave it. y’all are not on the same page and that situation ur gonna get hurt so stop seeing him.

  13. Just read the edit, good riddance to him! You deserve someone who wants the same as you, with love and respect! Good luck ❤️

  14. Oh I’ve been in the same situation! You are doing the right thing trust me I wish I had the common sense you had (I had to learn the hard way) Good for you for cutting it off 😊

  15. Cut contact. Been there before… you’ll just end up hurt. Not worth the time or energy.

  16. If you don’t want a FWB, cut all contact and don’t hold out hoping he’ll change his mind. You deserve better. You will find someone who can give you what you want and more. Cutting this off now will save you from future heart ache.

  17. Oh cut him out and move on! Its not impossible to just be friends but its probably better to cut your ties with him so you don’t cling onto hope of something happening. If thats what he told you, thats how it is! He won’t want a relationship and if you stick around to see him get a new chick that could be upsetting for you. Try going on a date with someone else or spending time alone. Good luck!

  18. You deserve so much better & do not let this guy try to weasel back in to try and get in your head later on because I know a looootttt of guys do it. I haven’t lost my virginity yet and from a lot of girls’ experiences & my own circumstances w a guy currently, I’m almost glad I still have it. But you’re gonna move onto way way better girl and make sure you’re strict about your boundaries. Don’t let anyone try to step on your boundaries!!

  19. I’m pretty sure there’s no problem with you, OP! I mean, honestly I’m the kind of FWB guy, and I keep it straight forward with my friends/women I’m dating. Being honest, I don’t want a relationship ’cause I got my focus on my degree and carreer. Don’t know about your guy, but maybe he’s in the same vibe as I am right now.
    Anyway, I’m sorry about that, must hurt. Take your time to recover and move forward, there’s a lot of people in the world 😀

  20. If you want a relationship and someone, specifically, tells you they want to be friends or friend with benefits, do not continue wasting your time there as they do not want what you want. It would be different if he said, “I’m not sure yet, can we continue dating for a bit?” He’s saying he doesn’t want a relationship, move on. And, from your post, it seems like he’s come back. Block him.

  21. Why settle? You deserve to be happy.
    Caulk it down to a learning process, and move on.

  22. Hold on you’re giving this dude another chance? Did I read your update correctly?

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