I am \[F 21\] the worst at self sabotaging friendships…

So this past spring break I met this guy who showed interest in me. By the end of the trip we were constantly flirting with one another and there was definitely tension after a few drinks. I had recently been dumped by my ex & I was not looking for a relationship. Yet he was so interesting to me. He isn’t my type, but his personality meshes so well with mine. We ended up making out at the end of the trip and he asked me if I wanted to stay at his place once we got back home. At first I said yes, but then realized I wasn’t ready for a casual hookup. I was (and still am) learning to set up better boundaries so I don’t get hurt… So I decided to stay at my friend’s place (who is now my best guy friend) instead of his.

By the time we got back I had to stay at my friend’s place for a few days & he spent the next two days hanging out with me. We watched a movie and cuddled/made out, but I worried I was going to catch feelings so I distanced myself. I decided to never stay the night at his place even if he asked & I wanted to. After this a month goes by and we see each other (90% of the time in a group setting) probably once a week. He would still sit close to me or flirt with me every time we saw each other, but as time went on that stopped. Whenever we hung out he would usually initiate the flirting, so I was not used to him not flirting with me when I was in his presence.

Summer hit & I didn’t see him for a month. We distanced from one another and I never really heard from him. I did however become really close with his roommate. We talked almost every day that summer & became really good friends. & nothing beyond that. I came up to visit them once this past summer & one day while his roommate was at work I made a move on him & he rejected me. I missed us having some fun together, even if it was strictly making out. This was the first time he had rejected me. I felt horrible. I felt like I violated his space & I was (and still am) extremely embarrassed. I apologized a million times. Turns out he was into someone else (which I found out a month after this incident). That is why he has stopped talking to me.He ended up self sabotaging that relationship & as soon as that happened he started regularly talking to me again.

I feel that every interaction we have after that moment seems a little off. Besides the physical aspect of our relationship, I could see us being good friends. I am really close with my guy best friend & I think we both realize we’ve neglected our friendship because of this… awkwardness.

I honestly have no idea what to do. Do I just not say anything & hope for the best? What if I do say something? Would it make our friendship more awkward? I want to set a boundary of strictly being friends, but I worry it’s too late to tell him that.

  1. I don’t see any harm in talking to him and seeing if he will agree to friendzone boundaries.

  2. If they were interested in more than friends then don’t bother.
    If I was trying for a relationship with someone and they just say something about being friends then I’m immediately out because that isn’t what I want and I know they don’t really mean that so it’s a waste of time anyway.

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