how do you know you’re different from the others?

  1. Im me… Im the result of a bunch of particular circumstances and events that are unique to myself. Buy being different or unique doesnt mean you are better or worse than others, it is just how we human beings are.

  2. I’m 100% unique, just like everyone else. Nobody has the exact same existence so it would be impossible for anyone to be the same.

  3. I’m not.

    We’re all interconnected with one another, the world around us, and the Universe. I am you, you are me, and we’re all experiencing different versions and levels of consciousness.

  4. When the decisions you make about how you conduct your own life come across as not like the norm to others or they straight up dont understand them even if they arent wrong per say

  5. I like to think I’m different because I’ve always been a big risk taker. I don’t let the unknown scare me. Because of this, I feel like I’ve truly lived and had so many unique experiences. I also feel like I know myself much better because I’ve let myself hit rock bottom a few times knowing I have it in me to bounce back.

  6. Because people are always saying things like “you’re weird” and “what’s wrong with you?”

  7. I have a developmental disability which means I’m lightly mentally disabled and act like a teenager while I’m 27 years old, my friend is also mentally disabled and does the same and even has trouble processing information in her brain and forgets it after 10 seconds.

    I really hate to see people from my same age acting more mature than me and have an office job like every normal adult has while I’m on disability checks for the past 5 years since I dropped out of college..

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