I need help with talking less. I want to quieter and more private. I want to talk only when it is necessary and say whatever I need to with as little as possible. At the same time I want to be friendly and not come accross as snobby and unfriendly and seem approachable and warm instead.

I tend to talk too much, I’ve recently realised. I will say all kinds of unnecessary things and overshare. People I trusted betrayed me with information I naively shared about myself. I hate this and want to change and be more careful. Besides I tend to go on long, elaborate rants and complain about things and I know it brings people down but I just can’t seem to stop! I do it compulsively.

How do I change?

1 comment
  1. I have similar difficulties. Sometimes I feel exactly as you describe. Other times, I feel this is just who I am to a degree. I’m excitable and chatty sometimes, but I can lose sense of my volume and amount of talking.

    With people I feel safe around, I openly call myself out in the moment and correct my behavior. I’m not mean to myself, just aware. Over time, that awareness happens earlier and before I act. I’m not perfect, but it makes me feel more in control and less annoying to others.

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