So there’s this cute girl who Im really into. She is really friendly and makes a lot of physical contact. We go along well. The problem is that she does it not only with me but with my other friends too

So, it’s clear that it doesn’t mean anything, right?

The thing is, she dm’s me. And I dm her. And we’ve been texting almost every day lately. Long, nice conversations where she share stuff and laugh. Really natural

So, I get my hopes up again. But then we see each other irl and she barely speaks to me. She’s talking and doing stuff with my other friends and almost ignores me until they all leave and Im alone with her. Then we have a great chat, and theres physical contact and we look into our eyes and all that stuff. It was a really nice conversation

I get like mixed signals from her? Now a bit more context for you, she is an 9. Im a 6. And my friend is like an 8

I honestly dont know. I know if she only goes for our appearances, Im out. But then there’s the dms, we text for hours. And for what I know, she doesn’t dm that much other people

Do you think Im in the friend zone? Or do I have an opportunity?

  1. Sounds like you guys have good rapport. So what’s stopping you from asking her out on a proper date?

    Being direct is the only way to get past all this beating around the bush of mixed signals!

  2. my guess is that she’s either:

    A. awkward because she’s into you and doesn’t want you to know too much


    B. she likes the feeling of being attractive and desired

    i’m not exactly proud of it but i am guilty of both

  3. Youre probably in the friend zone. She just likes the attention received by the guys.

    If she doesnt get it from 8s and 9s, she goes for 7s and 6s. Thats you.

  4. You have an opportunity. Girls don’t text boys they don’t like everyday. She’s definitely into you.

    It happens. Girls will be in love with somebody. Then it ends. Then they see their friends differently. It could even be that YOU are the reason that she’s not into other dudes.

    I would say that next time you’re alone with her kiss her. But I did that mistake once, waiting to see her in the usual friend group hang out. Just text her to “hang out”.

  5. Seems like a simp farmer but tbh it’s hard to tell. Just don’t get your hopes up and treat her like a regular friend.

  6. Don’t count yourself out with looks; always stay confident and assure cause girls like that. I say to properly ask her out and see what she does; if she doesn’t come off that interested then you’ll know that she just likes you as a friend if she shows more interest then maybe she does like you more.

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