This applies to hair, clothes, skin, mouth etc

  1. Wash your balls at least once a day. Clothing must fit you well, a big guy in an oversized shirt looks awful and even if you’re ripped to shit, wearing a shirt too tight is not a good look.

  2. 1. Wash your face every day, morning and night. Use a gentle cleanser and warm water. 2. Shave regularly. Use a sharp razor and shaving cream or gel to avoid nicks and cuts. 3. Trim your facial hair. Regularly grooming your beard or mustache can help keep it looking neat and tidy. 4. Brush and floss your teeth daily. This helps remove plaque and bacteria from your mouth and prevents bad breath. 5. Wear clean clothes. Be sure to wash your clothes regularly, especially if you sweat often or play sports.

  3. – wash your face twice a day, moisterize with an spf day cream.
    – moisterize your body as well, nobody wants to see your dried out elbows.
    – shave your armpits, they’ll smell a lot better even when you’ve been sweating.
    – wear clothes that fit
    – clip and file your nails regularly
    – floss
    – change your bed sheets regularly

  4. 1. Brush your teeth twice a day once in the morning and before you go to bed.

    2. Shower everyday

    3. Wipe your ass

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