Hi all, 23 M and a person who stutters. Due to the stutter and social anxiety that comes with it, I’ve not had a real long-term relationship ever. I don’t limit myself from presenting in the class or talking with my professors but speaking with somebody new really triggers my stutter. I was raised in a brown family, so my talking with girls skill is nil and with the fear of stutter it’s even worse. I use Tinder and Hinge but chances of matches being brown in a predominately white area is very low.

I don’t want to be in a miserable situation while asking a girl and not getting a word out and they feeling like I am a freak , so I asked the last two girls I liked on their instagram and it did not work out lol. Ik it sounds creepy but i had to let them know that i like them rather than regret later. I am kinda losing hope on dating game and i feel like i am not doing something right here. Asking a girl out in person is a scary moment for a fluent speaker , the mental toll for a person who stutter in this situation is seriously unexplainable.

So should I do this in person and how would ladies in this sub feel if a guy who stutters comes and tries to ask you out? How would guys approach if y’all were in this situation? Any suggestions would be helpful.

  1. My boyfriend has a slight stutter when he gets excited about what he is talking about or if he has had caffeine or has been drinking. He was very self conscious of it when we first met and I knew this because he would always apologize for it and what not. But honestly, it gives me insight into what he loves and what he gets excited about.

    Personally, I think it’s cute. So, the right girl will 1) make you feel comfortable and probably stutter less and 2) will accept you as you are, stutter and all.

  2. So I have a stutter myself (woman here), especially when I am around people, when I’m nervous or when I’m tired. I just say it before meeting someone and no one cared so far. I don’t mind having a bf with a stutter as well!

    The first step you need to take, is to accept it. This is how you are and it doesn’t make you weird or something

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