Should I just say it back, like I love you? Even if I don’t miss them? I don’t mean this in a mean spirited way I just feel weird saying I feel a certain way when I don’t. Also, I can’t tell if I’d be communicating that I feel that way if I said it. Is it just one of those things that’s polite small talk like “how are you” “I’m fine and you” even though you don’t give a shit and everyone involved in the exchange knows?

Tl;dr: the title

  1. Ahhh just say “Oh really? Why would you miss me?”
    Trust me that’s what I say when Idk what to say

  2. I just straight told my gf that I don’t miss her yet when I was working abroad and everything was still new and interesting, but I know for sure the point will come when I do. And when it came I told her.

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