Basically this girl that I’ve been seeing for a little bit, we work together. At work today I was in the back and she walked to the back I could tell she was crying and she walked outside. I followed and comforted her, the problem I want help dealing with is she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. She is going through a lot of stuff right now and is under a lot of stress. She never tells me what she is stressed about, I just want to help and be there for her, but she just always tries to act like everything’s fine when I know it’s not. Like she was crying at work and wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, then is just gonna act like nothing ever happened. I gave her space and didn’t pressure her to tell me or anything. I just want to know how to deal with this the right way to help her trust me enough to tell me. She’s according to her friends always been like that, would never talk about anything going wrong. Any advice?

  1. Simple. You don’t seem like a trustworthy guy. Does people around you tell you things without thinking?

  2. She doesn’t want your support so you leave it alone. Don’t try to be the white knight.

  3. Don’t force her, don’t keep nagging her. Ask her, do you want me to just be here, do you want me to listen, do you need me to grab you anything (water, food) or do you want me to go? Let her know that any answer is okay and don’t make her feel bad about it, just let her know that if she does need something you’re there.

    I’m going through a lot right now, and when I breakdown at work I want to get away from everyone to deal with my emotions and then just return. I don’t want people hounding me asking me questions, it’s exhausting and frustrating. This also applies for my personal life too.
    I appreciate my manager because she has realised what I like, she comes in, asks those questions and then gets back to work, and I really appreciate it, it shows she cares but shows she also respects the way I handle things.

    Crying is such a good stress reliever and after you’ve had that “moment” you just want to return back to work like nothing happened. Because it’s also just that, work. You’re here to do a job, you had a little hiccup, pull yourself together and get back out there

    She’s clearly a private person, always has been, don’t force her to do things you want just because it’s convenient for you

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