Met a nice girl. Got along with her. We agreed to go on a date. When the topic of her living situation came up, I found out that she is still married, living with her husband.

They have been separated for three years, but still living together. I asked her all sort of questions, like why haven’t they moved away from each other, why they haven’t gotten a divorce yet, if he knows she is dating, etc., but all I got was “it’s complicated.”

I was trying to make a decision on how to proceed, because she seemed nice, and she is very attractive. But I can’t make a decision if I don’t know what I am getting into.

  1. She’s clearly still married and out of respect wether that be a good or bad marriage. I wouldn’t date her till she were divorced and single living by herself…. Just my two cents.

  2. 🚩🚩🚩
    Yikes! It’s complicated aka: she’s not in a position to be dating anyone. I suggest you save yourself the trouble and find a less complicated lady who is available.

  3. I would probably try and just move on unfortunately. It would be one thing if they just recently got divorced and were still living together, but three years is definitely a red flag.

  4. Don’t be the guy to get in the middle of a marriage. If you do she will cheat on you just as quick as she would cheat either you. It doesn’t matter that she’s “separated” she’s still married to the man. Have standards for yourself. Hit her up after she’s done if that’s what you want, just don’t do it now. Require better for yourself, show you have that level of self respect bro.

  5. Understanding will boggle your mind. My ex left me for some raggedy chick with major issues and one night I talked to her for hours and she told me/ shared text messages about all the horrible things he’s done to her. She even told me her friends and family dont even like him. Funny enough my ex has shared with me how “ I haven’t missed much” and they don’t have a great relationship at all. Yet they both just stay tethered together like they are happy when in reality they are just faking keeping up appearances and miserable 😆With that being said dodge that situation and let pretty *still married* woman be miserable and fake with her husband. You’ll be happier with someone better like I am now 😊

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