My husband (21M) has been telling his coworkers my (21F) medical information, personal information, and anything that happens in our relationship. He’s been doing this for weeks. We had a huge talk about it last night, discussing how that makes me feel and how it isn’t okay to be telling people I haven’t ever met, my business.

Found out this morning that he’s already talked to someone about that very talk we had, even after I told him to not bring it up to anyone. I called him (he’s at work) and told him to not talk to people about our business *again*. I found out from the very same person he told all of stuff to, that he approached them and told them not to tell me he said anything.

TL;DR: My husband disrespected my boundaries about my own personal information/business the morning after I set them. Then tried to hide the fact he did it.

I’m at home and he’ll be back around 6 or 7. How do I talk to him about this? I’m worried he’ll lie and deny it.

  1. Wow. I would ask him why he thinks keeping secrets and lying to you is okay. Then probably marriage counseling.

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