I feel so unworthy of love or a relationship. I get treated so terribly by men. I’m used for their gain and because I have such a big heart and I care so deeply, I reach for reasons why they are doing horrible things rather than admit to myself it’s a bad thing and to walk. I’ve never had a serious relationship or honestly any. Am I just that unbearable? I’m so tired I can’t even write what I’ve been through with some of these guys using me to get over someone else or not take me seriously as a potential future partner. I have so much love to give. Why doesn’t someone want to give it back? I feel so unworthy and unloved. I don’t know why I try.

  1. I’m sorry you feel that way but you’re not unworthy. People are selfish, that’s not your fault. You just need to look out for red flags, don’t put all your love into someone that you don’t feel is doing the same for you. So,e times it’s better to look out for yourself.

  2. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. I’ve been height shamed by women (5’6″) and even got called “Uglier than Freddy Kruger”.

    But I’ve been hitting the gym recently. Have you been taking care of yourself too? the more you display that you feel you are worth the effort the more other males will.

  3. How old are you?
    Why do you need a man to tell you that you’re worthy? Ironic coming from a guy who got told I have “a face only a mother can love” and is lonely AF. But why do you need a MAN to tell you that you are worthy? Maybe you’ve just been hanging out with total assholes?

    And, are you upfront with what you want/are looking for?

  4. Hello OP, I know how it feels to be treated horribly by men.
    It helped me to take a break from dating for a while, maybe you should consider that for a few months.
    Dating is exhausting tbh, especially when you have to go through a bunch to find one that’s worth it.
    Take it easy okay, it’ll be fine. Try not to be too hard on yourself too!

  5. I’ve always had that same issue. I’m the person that cares/ loves much more than the other person. Then they take my love for granted.
    Start working on yourself and becoming confident in you loving your amazing self. Once you realize your worth you’ll attract better and set healthy boundaries.
    No longer accept the bare minimum and know you deserve as much love as you’ve always given the other person. ❤️

  6. You need to take care of yourself first, mentally and physically, before you start dating. Trust me, trying to date while you’re down in the dumps will just kick you down further. I learned this the hard way and ended up dating two particular women that ruined me mentally for the next couple of years but after stepping away to focus on building myself, I’m at a way better headspace than I was before. And in turn I’ve surrounded myself with great kind hearted individuals that I’ve met along the way. I suggest you please take that step back so you can take many more steps forward. End this cycle of depressing short term relationships that lead to nothing.

  7. I s2g cruel people can smell insecurity like sharks can smell blood in the water. You’re your own best ally; the only person who always has your back 24/7. Do you have your back? You set a precedent for how you want people to treat you by how you treat yourself. If you don’t make yourself a priority, other people often pick up on that cue and don’t treat you like a priority either. Value yourself, establish concrete boundaries. You can have good boundaries even if you have low self-esteem. Picture your ideal and accept nothing less. You deserve all the good things. Everyone deserves fulfilling relationships based in mutual respect; that includes you. Don’t accept less.

  8. Be what you seek for yourself. Forget about being seen as worthy in someone else’s eyes and and pull the gaze back to you. Be your own best friend, look after yourself emotionally and mentally, do not allow anyone to tell you who you are in this world and cultivate a loving relationship with yourself…. That’s how you’ll be seen as worthy… why? Because you own all of it within FIRST

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