Basically what the title says. He asked me how i am so I was thinking of using that to start spicing things up lmao
I never was the one starting sexting so I was thinking of just saying “I’m horny and I miss you being inside me” would that be ok to tell him?

  1. Send a pic, say you’re horny, and ask him what he would do to u if he were with u right now.

  2. I like doing the “I miss you” route. I like playing off their responses. So normally I send one saying I miss you. Then immediately a follow up saying “and touching you” or something along those lines. Then he’ll say something either sexual back or something like “yeah? Me too” and then you can say “yeah I can’t stop thinking about [insert sex act]”. I also like this route personally because it feels like more “foreplay”. Also saying I miss you gets the emotions goin which is also nice and connecting

  3. That would definitely be ok to tell him. That or just send a pic. Don’t worry. Be confident. You got this.

  4. Given that you and him have had sex before, being direct is a great approach IMO. I would find your line very appealing and it’s authentic because it’s you. You want to sext, beating about the bush isn’t useful, just be upfront and direct in my books. Assuming he responds positively, you can ask him for a dick pic and respond too and then take things from there!

  5. You can practice on me if you want? My DM door is always open 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. Honestly just start initiating stuff physically, sends a very clear message and as a guy, it’s attractive when girls initiate and are bold with it

  7. Yes, yes it would.

    Source: am a guy, feel comfortable saying 99.9% guys would be happy to get this.

  8. I like your idea of texting him about how you miss him being inside you. You could even add “Do you want to see how much I miss you?”

    The goal is to initiate some flirty back-and-forth, and go from there. A sexy picture could follow.

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