Why is it when youre trying to talk to women (on dating sites, etc) what are you doing when it comes to barely talking/asking questions? Why jump on dating sites if all youre going to do is reply with a word or two? What happening? What is theee to know?

  1. Because most people ask questions that only need one answer. Learn to ask open ended questions. This isn’t 20 questions or “I spy”. And don’t ask stupid shit. I have no idea why someone who hasn’t even met you is like “what’s your favorite color?” Whyyyyyy? You going to wear it on the first date?

  2. It’s up to the man to inspire the conversation.

    Women get cat called, harrased, bothered every day. So they are naturally somewhat defensive.

  3. That is simple. She’s got 10 other matches of which some are more interesting than you.


    But you’ve been given a chance to convince her that you’re worth her time, so you have a choice. Grab that chance and see where it leads you or just unmatch.


    Sure most of the time it will lead nowhere, but here and there a girl might take notice.

  4. Stringing along options.

    I recommend unmatching anyone that gives low effort replies.

  5. Are you really looking for advice or just inviting us all to your pity party?

    The answer is simple. People’s effort is directly related to their level of investment in you. If they’re already engaged in conversation with others, you’ll get less of their time. If they don’t find you particularly remarkable (looks wise, common interests, personality traits they’re looking for), you’ll get less of their time. If you’re too intense and desperate to monopolise their attention, you’ll get less of their time. There are a million reasons why women might smell a rat and not be eager to communicate with you, despite being on a dating site you are a complete stranger. If you don’t like the energy you’re being given, leave them alone.

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