I’m a 23M and I currently study in university. I’ve had mild hearing loss since a birth complication, but have always worn hearing aids and could hear basically perfectly and had zero issues socializing while growing up. But in early 2020 my HAs broke and the replacements they gave me were garbage, so I ended up being unable to understand shit (basically deaf) for the entirety of 2020, 2021 and half of 2022. I just recently was able to fix the issue and now I can hear perfectly again.

I started studying in this university abroad in February from this year, but obviously made zero friends and I failed almost all classes, since I could barely even understand the teacher lol. I just started the second 4 month period, and despite it being super easy for me to make friends and flirt pre-2020, I am TERRIBLE at it now. Well, not super awful, but every conversation I have feels super forced and sometimes I randomly stop smiling (without wanting to), and I struggle with keeping interest on what the other person is saying. I have a lot acquaintances, but still zero friends so far.

There’s also this insanely attractive girl in one of my classes who keeps looking at me and trying to interact. Normally, I would just sit close to her and talk like I used to be able to do, but now I’m scared of fucking it up since my social skills are super rusty. We actually talked a bit yesterday at the end of the class, after she sat behind me and kept looking for dumb excuses to talk with me lmao. I finally gave in and had small talk with her, and it was obviously not smooth at all, but she still said “see you next class!!” with a lot of emphasis when I left, so I guess I didn’t scare her off (yet 🤣).

So idk if I should sit with this girl again next class and keep trying to loosen up and get my groove back (with the risk of fucking up), or keep trying to talk with other people first, as to practice and maybe make friends first, but I would basically ignore this girl, and possibly lose my chance with her. Help!!

  1. Dude, the cute chick came and talked to YOU. You HAVE your groove back, you handsome bastard. You need only the confidence that used to come with it.

  2. I would sit next to the girl and try to loosen up, come up with a list of different conversation topics you can have so you at least have a good amount of conversation, explain the situation you had with your HAs if you want so she can be more understanding if you may not seem that conversational. Overtime you may become more comfortable with her. You can try to practise with others also at the same time. If you avoid her she may think that you don’t like her and may stop talking to you.

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