I (F23) have been talking to (M25) on and off for 6 years. We met virtually on a messenger app, but we live in different states. Between this time, there have been gaps of no communication for different reasons but the main one being we were in relationships. After 5 years of on and off communication, we met for the first time last year when I went to his area to visit a friend. I really enjoyed our time together and he expressed that he did as well. We talked on and off for a few months after, but after awhile I felt like he was being wishy washy and it bothered me because I really liked him. I’m embarrassed to admit, but I thought about him almost every hour of every day, borderline obsessing, but I couldn’t get a text back. Because of that I told him we should stop communicating and I took him off all social media. For 8 months, we didn’t talk at all or interact with each other online, but I still thought about him a lot. About two months ago he requested to follow me on IG and since I had been missing him, I allowed him to follow me. A few weeks later he swiped up on one of my stories saying he missed me and honestly I reciprocated his sentiment since I had been missing him too. We start talking again everyday reminiscing on the time we shared together last year. And eventually he bought a plane ticket to come see me. He’s supposed to be coming in two weeks, but for the last week, our conversations have gotten shorter and shorter. We haven’t talked on the phone, he’s super dry texting all of a sudden, and now I haven’t heard from him all day. This is what happened last time which is why I stopped talking to him, so now I feel weird that it’s happening again but he’s supposed to come see me in a few weeks. I ask if this sounds like love bombing or not because sometimes he SHOWERS me with compliments, tells me how attracted he is to me and that he’s sees a future for us if we play our cards right, and then turns around and doesn’t talk to me for days. I’m honestly not sure if I’m overreacting or if my feelings are valid. Should I tell him to cancel the flight out here?

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you need better boundaries. I do energy healing if you’re interested in a consultation 😊

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