I was kinda like weirded out when he told me this, is this something guys don’t care about? Or is this a red flag and really gross of him to say? I kinda want the ladies help on this one, what would u do if ur man said that?

  1. It’s weird you consider it a red flag tbh. Man just wants to please you.

    A normal conversation, in which you simply say: “Hey, I don’t feel comfortable with that (I find it gross or whatever you think of it). I do appreciate the enthusiasm and offer tho.”

  2. It comes down to your comfort. He’s obviously fine with it, but it it freaks you out then don’t do it. I personally wouldn’t mind getting external oral on my period, but I would feel awkward about it if things went indoors 🤣 but again it’s all personal! I think it’s sweet he wants to pleasure you despite the period, many men like the commenters absolutely do not.

  3. I do think it’s weird but i don’t see a problem if _you_ are comfortable with it. Could be a fetish thing. Idk how I would personally feel, there are lots of things to consider. Like whether he’s actually aware what he’s dealing with. Like how much blood there could be, or would he only do it during the last days when there isn’t that much blood? And how does he usually do it, some are super messy and really get in there while others just lick the clit. If he is the latter and wants to do it on the lighter days then it doesn’t sound as bad. But if it’s the early days and he was a messy eater then that just sounds unhygienic tbh. But you could always wear a tampon ig

  4. Nah, you can give a girl head and not be all up in there in the blood. Depends where you are in your period too.

  5. Not weird at all. Some of the best head I’ve gotten was while on my period simply because I’m more sensitive during those days.

  6. My husband will eat me out on my period. He doesn’t care a bit and will go to town down there. But he’s the only partner I’ve ever had offer to do that for me.

  7. I’ve earned my red wings. There’s nothing wrong with it. I’ve only done it with a few of my ex girlfriends, the ones I was really into, loved.

  8. I’m a girl and I don’t know how to feel.. it’s kind of gross to me as period blood isn’t just blood but also uterine lining being shed.

  9. I mean if he is ok with it and it doesn’t bother you then it shouldn’t be an issue. My ex used to give me oral on my period and I was good with it as long as I felt good. When I was feeling yucky I didn’t want him to but otherwise I would let him plus when he did it usually was more sensitive and more intense for me

  10. I wouldn’t really worry about that. Just make sure none of you are forcing yourself to do it.
    If you like it or don’t mind it, there’s nothing wrong with it.

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