I technically know a lot about the body and how things work.
Haven’t figured out how to properly relax and cum yet, but ok.

Now I realised what the squirting liquid is made of and I am deeply upset and to be quite fair a bit disgusted.
I know I might have the ability to do so and generally a big reason I am afraid to cum was that I didn’t wanted to pee.
And now this fear got worse. Ugggghg

( Don’t get me wrong I am not necessarily disgusted by squirting people, I just don’t wanna deal with this with my body) (might also be the dysphoria)

  1. Well if it helps at all, squirting (whatever you call it or what its components are) is (a) pretty fucking rare and (b) not a big deal even if it happens.

    If you don’t even know for sure if you are a squirter I would even worry about it. I mean you can put a towel down to protect your sheets and mattress just in case I suppose. Other than that I’d say relax and enjoy any orgasms you can get. 😏

  2. Sex feels better because your body and your partner’s bodies secrete fluids during sex. As far as I’m aware most women don’t squirt. Women who do squirt have a waterproof mattress protector and either lay down some bath towels or use a water proof sex blanket.

    You can read more posts about squirting by searching r/sex for “squirt”.

  3. Yeah, you definitely need to do you’re having trouble with which is to relax.

    Have you tried mindfulness exercises to keep yourself present in the moment while exploring masturbation?

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