Had a friend who I’ve (23M)had a crush on for a long time find out her bf was cheating on her. She basically hasn’t gone to work for 3 days. I texted her and told her I’m there if she needs anything just courtesy.

It sucks tho. I’m not saying they should stop crying and go for guys like me. I’m short and brown and really overweight, got a long way to go physically before I can be seen as a possible partner by women.

But please don’t cry over crappy guys. I hate hear about people I know who get dumped after a one night stand or get cheated on. I can’t imagine doing that to someone you care about. But please if the dude had the audacity to cheat, you can do so much better. There are guys out there that can’t wait to hear about your day, and be a part of your life and be your biggest supporter, and even if long distance can’t wait to get home and talk to you.

It absolutely guts me. If you read this thanks.

  1. You dug this hole you’re in yourself. You told her you’ll be there for her to cry. And now she took you up on that offer. And hey man, this happens. You can now take this opportunity and learn from it.

    Next time just tell her, how sorry you are to hear about her situation and move on to other topics.

  2. “got a long way to go physically before I can be seen as a possible partner by women”

    what way are you gonna go to fix your “short and brown”ness?

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