Do you like video games or not? Why?

  1. Yes because it’s good to have a challenge, I don’t play a whole lot and I find laying there watching TV equally or more wasteful.

  2. I do. I play them when I’m stressed from work, need alone time and can’t get outdoors.

  3. Yes it has been a huge part of my life, helped me come out of my shell talking to people, connect with strangers all around the world, & gotten me through many terrible life events

    I’ve always hated the stigma that gamers don’t have lives or they do literally only that skipping work or food etc or can’t socialize

    I disagree entirely

    I would also never let gaming interrupt important life events or disturb plans I’ve made with loved ones

    Also as a little kid I very specifically remember the time getting bullied for liking videogames or anything similar then it just became a normal guy thing then now it’s the worlds thing

    I’m glad no kid these days will have to feel like they have to hide that they enjoy games

    Hell I’m jealous that high schools in my country now have esports teams

  4. I used to. I don’t any more but sometimes think about starting again. Just don’t have the time.

  5. Not really. I mean I guess a little GTA or Call of Duty for a few hours a month to blow off some steam can’t hurt.

    But I find myself with little free time between work, gym, household duties, etc.. It’s not how I prefer to spend my leisure time.

    But if someone else likes them, who am I to interfere with it.

  6. Yea. They make you think through problems, problem solving, tactical thinking, strategy, great story telling, great visuals, team work, reflexes or just silly messing around with fiends. Whatever you want you get it.

    For anyone that’s not a gamer but would like to try but doesn’t know where, try Portal.

  7. I do, but not nearly as much as I used to. I like the interactivity of video games, not to mention the soundtracks sometimes.

  8. Yes i like the video games very much. One of my primary hobbies where i can tax my brain and other skills in a safe environment.

  9. When I was a kid my best memories were the ps1 and ps2, even the original psp. Me and my neighbor always spent nights at each other’s house playing all night, I didn’t have a worrie in the world. Then I got older, things like alcohol and work and women became priority.

    Long story short, I got a ps5 recently and when I get I to a good story driven game like the last of us my mind goes blank, I focus on the game and only the game. All my worries and failures disappear for a while, and that to me is therapy.

  10. I used to love them, then they just got boring for me. I still play a few when I have nothing else to do, but between the diminished fun and the voice in the back of my head reminding me that I’m quite literally just passing time, I’m not a big gamer anymore.

  11. Yeah. They have a story, purpose, competitiveness and require some skill that I happen to have a bit of. Even so, I don’t game as much as I’d like to.

  12. I love them and don’t care if I get called a loser for it. I simply have a lot of fun playing them and am very skilled at it. I have a full life outside of gaming and still get shit for liking it.

    It’s one of my favorite hobbies. I used to game more when I was younger, but lately it’s been one long session about every two weeks since I have other responsibilities and relationships with women to deal with.

  13. Today’s VG’s? Not so much. Grew up in the 70’s/80’s when VG’s were played at arcades or on a Atari 2600. Much simpler to play compared to today’s VG’s. That said, no hate from me on today’s games. If you like playing them, all power to ya.

  14. Love ’em. They’re not for everyone. People choose to use their time in many ways.

    Video games can’t be really summed up in just a word or two. Some of them are like interactive movies, some are challenging and push your mind. Some are even artful. Like I play Minecraft a lot. I love to build. And I’ve done so on a massive scale. Using outside programs like World painter to design personalized maps. I have big projects that have been going on for years. It’s real work and effort that I put in. And I am proud of it. Video games could be a hobby, a form of media and story telling, or even a job. They’re an individual experience to be had, one that might relate to you in a way that you never thought was possible.

  15. Yes. They’re fun. Though admittedly I’m currently on a reading binge, so I haven’t been playing much recently. That said, I’m thinking I’ll play some Heroes III when I finish my current book (The Light Brigade, it’s sci-fi).

  16. Yes. Love them. Grew up with them and still play them as an old man. My daughter dabbles, my son plays a lot.

  17. I love videogames, they take me to different realities, where I can do stuff the laws of nature don’t allow me to.

  18. Yes

    I remember sitting on my dad’s lap in the late 1980’s while he played Nintendo in our wood paneled basement in Idaho. I never tried to take the paddle from him, I was always just content to sit and watch him play games like Tetris, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania I & II, and The Legend of Zelda.

    I remember the day Mega Man X2 randomly showed up on my small blue desk in my room – way before I had a Super Nintendo to play it. I knocked on all the doors on my street trying to figure out where it came from, but nobody knew. When I finally played it on my friend’s system and finally on my own when I got my first Super Nintendo for my birthday that year, I’d thought I’d found the game of a lifetime.

    I remember bonding with my father as we played Super Street Fighter II. I remember the way he laughed uncontrollably as I used Dhalsim’s sliding leg attack to repeatedly trip his avatar in the corner. No matter how many times I did it, he never once called me a cheat or say I played “cheap.” He was always just happy to spend time with me.

    I remember the countless hours spent in the basement of my best friend’s house as he walked me through my first run of Final Fantasy VII on his PlayStation 1. The house smelled strongly of wood and ash and homemade bread. Now whenever I play Final Fantasy VII, I’m reminded of the smell of his home. A few years later when he sold me his PS1 for $20 so he could upgrade to a PS2, he gave me all his games including FFVII, Castlevania: Symphony of The Night, Twisted Metal, and many others.

    Looking back, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’d love to do it all over again. I want to find the final piece of heart on Zelda: A Link To The Past. I wanna watch Tidus kiss Yuna in the waters of Macalania. I wanna fight the Delilas’s in Legend of Legaia and speed run Super Metroid. I wanna fight Emerald Weapon, face off with Dracula, hunt for the celestial weapons, and have another campout with Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto.

    That’s why I play.

  19. Yeah I do. I like video games because they’re a good way to kill time and they’re fun.

    My favorite games are the ones that are like interactive movies or have lore so deep it’s like you’ve entered another world.

  20. Huge gamer, but i feel less and less interested in them recently. Although i got the new fifa and have been playing it alot.

  21. I loved video games but in the past 5 years I’ve lost so much interest in them and a lot of sports I followed too. Don’t know if it’s laziness or what. I’ll play a game for an hour or less and just be finished for the day and watch TV or be on my phone. I’ll play a phone game all day but playing a PC game on a 2 year ago rebuild just doesn’t excite me. I’ve dropped so much money into r/IRacing and the Logitech racing wheel over the years that I haven’t raced in a couple years

  22. I’m big into Pokemon, since it’s easy for anyone to get into and play casually. It’s a good stress reliever to sit in my room and catch or knock out random wild Pokemon and defeat NPCs for an hour while taking sips from my water bottle.

    Other than that, I sometimes also play other games like MLB The Show, Mario Kart, Street Fighter, and Crash Bandicoot.

  23. I love them have since I was 10 years old 33 now. I equate them to reading a good book, experiencing a movie, viewing art all in one package.

    I grew up playing skill based things for the Sega super Nintendo etc. But as games changed into more than that I just grew to love them more. I enjoy them because I get to experience a story, test my skills, and just enjoy my time. They helped me with my reading growing up, they helped shape my personality, they help me deal with the stress of reality and daily life.

    I can’t play everything like I used to but I still find time to play almost daily. I have a stressful job so being able to unwind is what has kept me sane all these years. I know they are viewed as stupid and waste of time but when I see everyone watching Jersey shore or mindless shows on YouTube tik tok etc judging my hobby they can shove it I’m happy lol

  24. I used to be addicted to Brood War/Hon/Dota2/ in that order. When I got kids, I just wasn’t interested in gaming anymore. Like something was switched off in my brain.

    Sometimes I play some factorio but after 1 hr I am just done with it. I rather play some good RPG game(like great customization en great story) but the best were made decades ago.

    So I rarely play games, aside that something switched off, another reason is:

    Most games are catered to casuals, story-wise/gameplay and mechanics. They are all dumbed down. If the graphics are a 10 according to current standard, even if the game is shit, they’ll like it.

  25. Maybe one day I’ll be bored of video games. I’m turning 30 next year and I can still play WoW for 18 hours on a Saturday if no other obligations are present. I’ve been playing WoW since 2005.

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