I took out a private healthcare with Bupa about 4 weeks ago. I’ve always had anxiety and various mood issues but in the last few months I’ve been doing a lot of research and have come to the realisation that this is seriously impacting my life and I need help. I’ve taken out private healthcare specifically with mental health coverage with the intention of claiming and finally seeing a therapist or receiving a diagnosis but in true form, I’m incredibly anxious about claiming and effectively lying about when my symptoms started. I’ve never been to a doctor about this so have no medical record or diagnosis relating to my mental health.

I’m confused about how private healthcare can treat both physical and mental health issues in the same way i.e. no cover if symptoms present before cover started when mental health issues – or the realisation of such – can be slow and insidious.

Any help or insight is much appreciated.

1 comment
  1. You’d really need to check your specific insurance policy. Some of them do seem to cover pre-existing anxiety and depression.

    It would be difficult to both lie about when your symptoms (for want of a better word) started *and* get treatment for them that’s more than basic medications that your GP would also prescribe if you were truthful with them.

    Also bear in mind that a lot of physical health problems can develop slowly and insidiously too and aren’t always easy to recognise in yourself either.

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