What’s a safety tip that everyone should know? đź’­

  1. When you’re in sketchy areas, always mind your own business. Don’t be too nosey.

  2. If the propane in your gas stove doesn’t light, stop trying to ignite it, shut the stovetop off and open all the doors and windows so that the gas disperses and the next time you light it, the whole house doesn’t blow up

  3. The HPV vaccine protects against 90% of the strains of HPV that cause genitals and protects against 90% of the strains of HPV that cause cancer in both men and women.

  4. Put an emergency contact and important health information in the emergency section of your phone. If you are incompacitated, emergency responders know to look for it and and get information bout you and who to contact.

  5. Don’t wear headphones on the street, if you must, then use in ear headphones and leave one out. Ideally concealed under a hat (I.e. a beanie in winter). This is because it either marks you out as a victim to be robbed or means you won’t hear cars if you cross the street.

  6. A Maglite is the best person-blinding weighted metal club you can legally carry pretty much everywhere that you’ll end up using a lot for normal stuff also.

  7. Keep a comprehensive first aid kit in your vehicle.

    1 in 100 people die in car accidents… if you thought covid was scary… boy let me tell you lol.

  8. Stairs are far more dangerous than you think. Make sure you go up them slowly and steadily.

  9. When you ask yourself “should I rally bother with this safety measure (wearing protective gear, strapping down something…) when I only want to…”, the answer is always YES.

  10. You are nowhere *near* as good at multi-tasking behind the wheel as you think you are.

  11. Best advice I’ve heard from reddit and saved my life.

    If you wondering if you should wear safety gear then you absolutely should do it.

    Do it you fucking cunts it will save your lifes.

  12. Work with properly sharpened tools and treat them with respect.

    More people have bled cursing a dull knife than careful of a sharp one.

  13. 3 “noises” is the universal call for help.

    Example : if you got lost in the woods while hunting, 3 gun shots would be how you would signal for help

  14. Always be careful when reading a book, you never know when you’ll get a paper cut

  15. Always look both ways when the light turns green, someone could be trying to beat the yellow.

  16. Get in the habit of putting your knives and forks down in the dishwasher. I always have and preached it to my kids. One day I’m doing dishes and the dishwasher is open. I get distracted, leave it open and go do something else. My daughter was sucking on a helium balloon to make her sister laugh and got lightheaded. She fell backward into the open dishwasher and ended up having a couple bruises from it. Could have been worse.

  17. Sometimes that one guy who you recognize watching you the other day, now who you see is following you, isn’t looking for a friend..

    In short, If there’s a guy who keeps watching/following and snooping around you, it’s best to call the cops unless it’s a yt prank or a friends prank.

    (In all seriousness, just watch your back especially in alleyways)

  18. Emergency contacts in your phone. iOS has a feature where you can tag as many contacts in your phone as “emergency” as you’d like. Not sure about Android, but it probably has that functionality too. At the minimum you should have three or four contacts as “ICE <their name>” (in case of emergency) so emergency workers know who to call if you are incapacitated.

  19. Try to use the back of your hand to flip electrical switches. Also, always look for loose wires in abandoned areas.

  20. Alleyways are not good shortcuts. Walk around the block if you need to get there. You’ll thank me later.

  21. If you see random things on your car like honey, notes or flowers (that weren’t there before) try to get in your car and lock all your doors asap. These are known things for sex trafficking. It’s a distraction, usually someone is near by waiting.

  22. Wait at the light a few seconds after a traffic light turns green, stupid people will run a red light and hit you speeding.

  23. 1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
    2. Never point a firearm at something you are not willing to destroy.
    3. Keep your finger off the the firearm’s trigger until your sights are on the target and you’re ready to shoot.
    4. Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.

    Lastly, don’t run with scissors.

  24. Don’t tug on superman’s cape. Don’t spit into the wind. Don’t take the mask of the Lone Ranger and don’t urinate on walls painted with hydrophobic paint.

  25. CANCER trick:

    Whenever in the sun, scratch yourself on your skin, if it burns a bit longer than it normally else does, then is it time to get your skin covered to avoid sunburn and cancer.

  26. Don’t hold your keys or phone in the same hand as the trash bag. Doesn’t matter how good you think you are about coordinating, one slip up and now the keys are lost down a dumpster.

  27. Falling knives have no handles and are also star shaped for the purpose of trying to catch them.

    In other words: don’t try to catch a falling knife.

  28. If you ever getting stuck in an avalanche you lose orientation and can be really deep. People can die digging further in. If you spit you can work out the gravity pull and dig the opposite way.

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