My girlfriend is bi and was snogging her friend last night and even has a love bite… she doesn’t have any shame didn’t say sorry or anything like that, just dodges it when I bring it up

If it was a guy I’d definitely be very pissed off but I still am even tho it was w a woman which I guess is socially acceptable, would it be weird to tell her to not do it again? Bc if I was bi and got a love bite from a guy friend I probably wouldn’t hear the end of it

I don’t wanna seem clingy or ruin what we have but I’m actually very upset especially since I’m going to have to look at it for a few days (it’s on her neck)

I’ve made it clear that I’m a little pissed but I haven’t said anything cuz idk what to say

Ps she was pretty drunk too

  1. Look if she doing it then somewhere along the line you allowed it to happen so now just do it back and watch her reaction youll see right away

  2. I mean… alcohol is no excuse for cheating. Which is what she did. And she’ll do it again no doubt.

    Get someone who actually gives a shit about you.

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