How does it feel for you to walk in a dress / skirt with makeup and catch the judgmental or mocking looks of others? How do you handle it?

  1. I’m not wasting my time looking for judgmental or mocking looks from others. I’m busy doing whatever I’m doing and wearing whatever I’m wearing.

  2. Can’t say this has happened all that often but if it does, I usually ignore it. I don’t care about the opinions of someone who’s that judgemental.

  3. Any person judging or mocking me for dressing up is the one with the problem. They aren’t worth dwelling on.

  4. Maybe it just depends on where you live but this doesn’t happen where I am. Lots of women dress up and wear makeup daily and no one cares.

  5. I really only ever wear skirts and dresses and I’ve never noticed anyone giving me judgemental looks.. I mean why would they care? At least here in my country its completely normal, as far as I know.

  6. haha ik if I look good then it’s a problem with their jealousy/insecurity and not me

  7. I’ve never had this happen in my life. People are thinking about you way less than you think they are. And probably not as negatively as you think. I wear bright in your face makeup too and have only had people stop me to compliment me.

  8. Question: are they actually judging/mocking or do you just feel they are doing that because you feel insecure in the dress in the first place? I ask because everytime I wear a dress or skirt, I feel really uncomfortable and like I’m putting on a show. I probably get a lot more judgement from wearing baggy joggers and no make up, but I always feel a lot more scrutinised when more femme dressing.

  9. I mentally wish them the best of luck in getting over whatever desire-based resentment is prompting that behavior and otherwise ignore them and go on my way.

  10. That is not the experience I have when I put make up on, do hair, and wear a sexy dress. It’s more like enamor, awe, and obsession with a side of jealousy. I just do my thing with a smile. The opposite is when I dress in sweats and try to make myself unrecognizable so I don’t get stared at… I still get stared at….

  11. I try to remind myself that if they have a problem with how I’m dressed, its more of a reflection of their personality (and insecurities) than mine. Dress how you like, the more you are true to yourself, the more confidence you will feel. Keep that chin up!!!

  12. I really don’t care. I’ve worn risqué outfits before and still do. Whatever anyone thinks of it is none of their concern.

  13. I deal with it by keep walking. I can’t live my life constantly worried about the opinions of people who don’t know me from Adam.

  14. People don’t usually act like they’re judging or mocking me for wearing dresses and makeup. I think they prefer it by and large. But lately I lean toward suits over dresses if I’m dressing up. I get more judgy looks from men when I dress more masc but also more interested looks from women. I don’t give a fuck what men think of me so it doesn’t matter.

  15. To be honest, I probably wouldn’t notice in thr first place. I’m usually thinking about what I’m having for dinner. If I do, usually I’ll assume someone farted.

  16. I feel smug. I’ve worked hard to look like I look and no one is going to make me feel bad about it. I smile at them.

  17. I will not care and will still wear everything that makes me happy.

    I do admit – I was thinking about this subject actually.. I got my boots with high heels on today, wearing this typical autmn outfit -knitted vest with large shirt and leggings and put on some make-up.. I got people looking at me.. It was the most basic outfit but with heels? – got so much attention it became annoying.. still going to wear it cuz I like those boots 🙂

  18. I’ve never experienced that.

    Men will look and pretend not too.

    Other women will frequently compliment. I’ve now made it a point to do the same because it feels great when a stranger, especially a heterosexual woman, makes it a point to say something kind about my appearance.

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