What caused you to distrust women? How did you get past this?

  1. Nothing. I’ve had several instanced that made me distrust **woman** though, but none that have made me distrust all women. I’m not a moron you see.

  2. There is no one answer to this question as everyone has different experiences that lead them to distrust women. Some people may have been hurt or betrayed in the past by a woman, while others may have witnessed other women being treated poorly. Whatever the reason, it can be difficult to trust women if you have had negative experiences with them in the past. However, it is possible to get past this mistrust by giving women a chance to prove themselves worthy of your trust. Spend time getting to know individual women and give them a chance to show you that they are trustworthy. You may also want to seek out counseling or therapy to help you deal with any underlying issues that are causing you to mistrust women.

  3. I have no distrust in women, but I do have distrust for a few women archetypes.

    I don’t believe I’m wrong and it won’t bother me in my life so I don’t feel any need to « get past this ».

  4. The fact that they’re human. Humans overall can (and far too often for my liking are) be very selfish, and women simply exhibit that behavior differently than men.

    The most simple way past this is remembering that no two people are the same, and if I keep catching the same crap fish then maybe I need to go fishing in a different pond. It also helps when I stopped being nice and started being fair.

  5. Being cheated on. Women do it so easily and feel justified. I eventually learned that it was not all women but I never recovered the automatic respect that I had for women. They have to earn it now.

  6. I had a whole bunch of bad experiences, starting in childhood, continuing into adolescence and young adulthood. You realise that women in general dislike men, and why trust someone who hates you on sight?

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