My bf(m20) and I (f20) have been together for 2
years serious relationship and we’ve been talking
about marriage a lot lately. The other night he
said he didn’t really have much motivation to have
sex with me if it was with a condom. I can’t go on
birth control so condoms is the best way for us to
be safe. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about
it since the moment he said it. He kept saying it
was his sexual preference. He’s apologized but it
felt superficial. I don’t know what to do now. Any
time I get horny I want to think about him but I feel
like I can’t this an okay way to be
treating someone who’s supposed to be the love
of your life? Isn’t sex about more than just that?

  1. Oh for sure. There’s a very permanent safe sex solution and he won’t have to complain anymore except for maybe about a week. Which during that week IS actually justified. Take him to the doctor and let the doctor explain the male birth control operation. Happy snipping!

  2. sex with a condom is a dealbreaker for many. so accept it or just break up 🙂

  3. He is well within his right to have his preferences for sex. It is also valid for you not to be able to use BC. What you have described is two adults having an adult conversation about preferences and boundaries. That is awesome. Love to see it.

    Thing is if he won’t budge on his condom thing then it is fair to say that you guys aren’t sexually compatible and sex is typically a large component of a relationship. So good luck with that.

    One thing to note is that he isn’t a “bad” person who “isn’t worth it.” He is a human with a sexual preference that he has communicated to you. That is all. There are plenty of guys who would prefer to find a partner that is ok with not having sex with condoms. And that is ok. And likewise, there are plenty of guys that don’t hate condoms enough to let it get in the way of their sex lives.

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