Hi I’m 21f and I have a work crush but the only thing I know about them is their name. I really want to start talking to them but it’s really hard for me to talk to new people. Plus I feel like we’re both similar in the fact that we don’t talk to others when working unless we need to. But I had a feeling that they liked me but I ended up developing a crush on them.

So now I do notice that he’s trying to talk to me a bit more bc we work together but I need advice on how I could get to know them or be their friend. I know the obvious answer is just talk but I have severe social anxiety and would like to know if anyone has a similar expirence and successfully got to the next stage of just coworkers to something more

1 comment
  1. Don’t shit where you eat.

    The fallout from a breakup can affect everything from your mental well-being (having to see the person everyday if they dumped you and you’re still hurting and they start dating someone else and you have to see it every day) to your professional standing in the company (being the subject of gossip and laughter during or after a relationship)

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