how would you feel if you woke up in a parallel universe where everything was the same but the national sport was kickball instead of baseball?

  1. Guess we’d be a little less different than the rest of the world now.

    Isn’t kickball the most common national sport?

  2. Welcome back /u/grapp

    I’d miss my wife and children but the kickball might make up for it.

  3. I quit watching baseball when the National League adopted that abomination known as the designated hitter. Baseball is dead.

  4. I spent this past summer managing a Sunday beer league kickball team. I like baseball but I would be able to accept kickball.

  5. I always loved kickball so I’m for it. Still wouldn’t watch it on TV though, but I guess I’d play in real life more.

  6. I would love to see the level that top athletes combined with millions of dollars poured into analytics could take kickball.

    What types of developments would we see in the game / how would it be played differently than what we see today?

  7. I don’t like baseball, or kickball, or American football so it really wouldn’t make a difference. Kickball was fun in elementary school and I’ve not heard of any major injuries caused by the red rubber ball except for some major stinging.

    I’d still prefer soccer be the national sport.

  8. Since I don’t watch sports, wouldn’t change my outlook of life one bit. Besides, are people being paid to play a game that affects nothing important or life altering?

  9. It would be almost as weird as waking up and finding out that the United States had a national sport and it was baseball.

  10. Get season tickets for the *Boston Kick Sox*


    …they could still be Red I guess…

  11. Somehow… Happier.

    Everybody loves kickball. I’m pretty sure even those physically unable to play would have more fun watching kickball than baseball.

  12. Guessing I would be the only one to know the difference, and how cool, a national sport with a the natural sound of that red ball being kicked…I can hear it now.

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