i was initially very interested in this guy. at first, we would rapid fire text where we would both be typing at the same time. we planned to hang out, but the day before he said he had a last minute gathering with his friends. we didn’t hang out that day, and he also didn’t reschedule. it was my plan and idea to hang out that day too. a bit passes and he’s taking forever to respond to me, leaving me on read and still posting on his social media. i admit i am insecure and i’m starting to feel like he’s not interested anymore.

yesterday we were texting, and over 24 hours later he texts me back. i can take a hint. i don’t want to come across as demanding or insecure, but i’m pretty frustrated and disinterested at this point. we were discussing hang out plans (plans that i once again made) for today when he didn’t respond for 24 hours, and he picked up with that same topic when he finally did respond. what should i do?

  1. That happened to me twice and honestly just move on and ignore any approaches he makes.

  2. I think you should “get the hint”. I mean that with love.

    This is a predicament that is just horrible for someone who is insecure as well. Because all the overthinking and contemplating about what is going on, what he’s thinking, and whether or not he’s interested, will eat you up from the inside. The best thing you can do is just set your own tone and decide for yourself that the flame died out.


    Worst case scenario, time goes on and you just both stop contacting each other entirely.

    Best case scenario, you stepping back and showing a lack of interest and care, will now pull him in and make him insecure enough to wonder why the girl he knew exactly where he had, just stopped giving him any attention. And with this, it is up to you to decide exactly how to proceed.

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