How do you deal with deodorant stains and yellow stains under your armpit in t-shirts, shirts?

  1. To this day I still can’t understand how no one has come up with armpit tampons for the heavy sweating men that want to be discreet. There’s a patent waiting .

  2. Still not as good as kitchen towel folded numerous times and placed under arm🤣🤣🤣

  3. Avoid deodorants with aluminum chloride If that doesn’t work, lay off antiperspirants altogether and stick with just deodorants.

    [EDIT: wrong compound!]

  4. I don’t understand how some of you guys get pit stains lol but try using Old Spice: Pure Sport or something like that that doesn’t leave those ugly stains.

  5. I used to use antiperspirant and I always looked like I had just put Aquaman in a headlock. I switched to Degree deodorant and the problem stopped immediately. Of course if it’s really hot out I’ll sweat a bit but day-to-day I don’t have issues anymore.

  6. If you spray the armpit of your shirts with white vinegar before putting them in the wash it should help get rid of the staining 🙂

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