Seeing how they were the rightful heirs to the throne back in 1715 and 1745 I figure now would be a good time to bring up their claim.

  1. The rule barring Catholics from the line of succession (Act of Settlement 1701) still applies so unless the Stuarts can somehow recant from the grave, none of their descendants have a claim.

  2. Call the banners.
    Let no man claim ignorance from this day forth.

    **paid for by Stuart claim supremacy gang*

  3. Didn’t Tony Robinson trace the rightfull heir to the UK throne to a sheep farmer somewhere in Australia’s outback??

  4. The second in line to the Jacobite claim (after Duke Franz von Bayern, an 89-year-old unmarried homosexual; and his brother Prince Max) is Sophie, wife of the heir to the throne of Liechtenstein, and she was actually at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

    So no, I don’t think they’ll be pressing their claim, being invited to a funeral doesn’t seem like something you’d do if you were planning to lead a revolution against the family of the deceased.

  5. I’m so sleep deprived I read that as Stuart Little – I’d take an animated mouse for king

  6. They weren’t rightful heirs to the throne on 1715 or 1745. Both England’s and Scotland’s parliaments passed resolutions ruling that by fleeing in 1688 James Stuart was deemed to have abdicated. His descendants’ claim to both crowns ended there.

  7. The current line of succession is written into UK law. There is no other “rightful” heir, this isn’t Game of Thrones.

  8. There is no easy way or maybe no way at all to get anyone to support such a claim.

    Most people are not interested enough in the monarchy to devote any time or effort into changing the line of succession so radically.

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