Could be a food, an ingredient, an appliance, a utensil, etc.
For me it’s butter! I use it for everything. I’m interested to know how it varies for different cultures.

  1. I feel like there is a whole bunch of stuff I cannot really go without. Butter, oil, salz…

    Food-wise, I would say eggs. It is my breakfast, I can put them in a stir-fry… So many uses.

  2. dish washer. No chore I hate more than washing dishes, so my dish washer is one of my best friends. 🙂

  3. My Dutch oven, any type of coffee maker, nutmeg, cloves and the standard stuff like salt, pepper, oil and butter.

  4. Vegetble peeler, there is no more annoying activity than peeling potatoes by ordinary knife.

    Tomatoes, every sandwich needs a few slices of it.

  5. Olive oil and garlic which I grow every year. Oh! And my vitamix which I use every morning to make my protein powder smoothie with frozen fruit and spinach.

  6. [A table](

    Like actual proper table and chairs for eating in the kitchen, and the kitchen has to have a door to be closed off if needed. I fiercely hate both “modern open kitchens” and “soviet micro kitchens”. A separate dining room is also nice, but even so, [a tiny table and two chairs](×90-cm-2-tooli-viola-hall-232693-1252084.jpg) in the kitchen is still a bare minimum.

  7. Pizza wheel. I eat a lot of frozen pizza so cutting a pizza without one is unthinkable.

  8. For food: bread. Most versatile food of all

    For appliances: Oven. Most versatile appliance of all

  9. Milk and cheese, hands down. I suppose that’s very Swiss of me lol.

    For appliances I’d say my fridge and freezer. Would suck to have things rot away all the time. Plus I need to keep my meds in the freezer.

  10. What would you all do without a knife? I should think that’s the item you really cannot do without.

    No knife, no chopped onions, no chopped garlic, no chopped chilis, no nothing. Cooking does not take place if you don’t have a knife.

  11. As an italian, I can’t go two days in a row without tomatoes (often tomato sauce)


    Oh, and I was taking for granted olive oil, so olive oil is probably a more accurate response

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