Those who have friend groups that meet up often, what do you guys do? How did you meet your friend group?

  1. So I used to before I moved to the US. When my friends and I used to meet up we would go to a karaoke and drink lol, sometimes hang out in coffee shops or go to the mall 🙂

  2. We have a built in pool and a jacuzzi in our backyard so my husband and I have friends over year round. If we’re not absorbing some sun we’re usually getting a drink by the lake and riding jet skis. Most of us have kids within the same age range so that’s also a reason we hang out a lot.

  3. A friend of mine brought me to their friend group and now I had become friends with all of them. We just go to the malls and goof around yk

  4. I(32) have several

    One group I’ve known since I was five. We all had the same hobby and went to school together. Now we drink, play games, go out, talk, dance, go on trips and just hang out together. Our kids are also the same age.

    Another group Are the girlfriends of my boyfriends friends. We hang out when they do stuff together.

    And the last one I go to festivals and concerts with.

  5. Started skating at the ripe old age of 32 and wanted friends to skate with, so I posted on Reddit. Met a handful of others in the same position (same age, just learning) and made a WhatsApp group. Over time we have met and added more to the group. Some through the internet, some through friends, some just by chance. It’s all built around a shared interest but now there’s a big enough group of us that some are meeting every week. I even found a flatmate this way.

    Kinda proud of myself for building this little community, tbh.

  6. We go to pubs, out for food, to see bands, to exhibitions, etc. Or round to each others’ houses for food and drinks. We go away for weekends or holidays. We are in our 50s, 60s and 70s and met basically in the pub.

  7. I have some friend groups, but the one that I meet the most often I met through mutual friends, that I met playing League of Legends in college lmao. Most friendships I made came from work/college and go the same: I meet someone I find cool, we find a common interest (usually games) and we get together to play and I meet mutual friends and the circle expands until I find some people in that big circle that i *really* click with and stick with them

  8. Brunch
    Game nights
    Comedy shows
    Dinner/ Drinks
    Happy hour
    Beauty shopping
    Clubbing/ Dancing
    Get together and binge watch something and cook (SATC or reality Tv)

    I have serval different friend groups and have had them for years. I tend to be doing something with one or the other or my fam every weekend.

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